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[Oracle] Logical Standby Databases Out Of Sync, ORA-01537 in dba_logstdby_events

发表于 2024-7-7 17:41:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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1. Logical Standby Databases Out Of Sync
2. ORA-01537 in dba_logstdby_events

A new data file has been added to the primary database

SELECT TO_CHAR(event_time, 'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') time, commit_scn, current_scn, event, status FROM dba_logstdby_events ORDER BY event_time, commit_scn, current_scn;

02/03 16:22:37 8843273604198 8843273604195 alter tablespace <tablespace name> add datafile '/<directory>/oradata/database/<ta ORA-01537: cannot add file '/<directory>/oradata/database/ database_<tablespace name>_02.dbf' - file already part of database
02/03 16:22:42 ORA-16222: automatic Logical Standby retry of last action
02/03 16:22:42 Apply LWM 8843273604165, HWM 8843273604165, SCN 88 43273604164
02/03 16:22:42 ORA-16111: log mining and apply setting up
02/03 16:38:03 8843273604198 8843273604195 alter tablespace <tablespace name> add datafile '/<directory>/oradata/database/database_<tablespace name> ORA-01537: cannot add file '/u03/oradata/database/ database_<tablespace name>02.dbf' - file already part of database

A data file was added on the primary.
The same data file exists already on the standby side.
The standby_file_management parameter is set to AUTO

If the entire primary database is replicated to the logical standby database and if don't update the logical standby databases manually ( outside of primary) then must stop the apply on the logical standby and drop the existing file.
If don't use the same data file structure on primary and logical standby, so the data files on the logical standby are added manually then should  skip this DDL.


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