课程目标: - 分层查询概念
- 创建树形结构报表
- 格式化分层数据
- 修剪分支
1、分层查询概念 人员表里面有主键employee_id和外键manager_id,这种单个表中的行之间的层次关系可以构成一个树(tree),因而在行之间就存在父-子关系。通过树结构中的父-子关系,可以控制层次关系的开始点和方向(自顶向下/自底向上),分层查询就是用来解决这种父子关系问题的。 语法: START WITH子句指定条件以及起始点 connect by prior指定层次的方向,如果prior后面的字段为父键,就是从上至下,如果prior后面的字段为子健,就是从下至上。 例子:从人员编号101开始,查找上级 SQL> select employee_id,last_name,job_id,manager_id from employees 2 start with employee_id=101 3 connect by prior manager_id=employee_id; EMPLOYEE_ID LAST_NAME JOB_ID MANAGER_ID ----------- ------------------------- ---------- ---------- 101 Kochhar AD_VP 100 100 King AD_PRES 例子:从人员名字King开始,查找下级 SQL> select last_name||' reports to '||prior last_name "Walk Top Down" from employees 2 start with last_name='King' 3 connect by prior employee_id=manager_id; Walk Top Down -------------------------------------------------------------- King reports to King reports to Kochhar reports to King 其中prior是一个伪列 2、格式化分层查询结果 可以使用level伪列来表示分层的级别,同时使用lpad函数格式化输出 例子:左填充来格式化分层查询的输出 SQL> select lpad(last_name,length(last_name)+(level*2)-2,'_') as org_chart 2 from employees 3 start with first_name='Steven' and last_name='King' 4 connect by prior employee_id=manager_id; ORG_CHART -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King __Kochhar 107 rows selected. 3、修剪分支 通过增加限定条件,对分层查询的分支进行修剪,有2种修剪方式: - 使用where子句删除节点,但是保留该节点的下级
- 在connect by自今年增加条件,删除整个分支
例子:对上面的分层查询结果删除Higgins这个人员,但保留他的下级 SQL> select lpad(last_name,length(last_name)+(level*2)-2,'_') as org_chart from employees 2 where last_name<>'Higgins' 3 start with first_name='Steven' and last_name='King' 4 connect by prior employee_id=manager_id; ORG_CHART -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King 106 rows selected. 例子:对上面的分层查询结果删除Higgins这个分支,包括Higgins这个节点 SQL> select lpad(last_name,length(last_name)+(level*2)-2,'_') as org_chart from employees 2 start with first_name='Steven' and last_name='King' 3 connect by prior employee_id=manager_id and last_name<>'Higgins'; ORG_CHART -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King __Kochhar 105 rows selected. 例子:只显示第一个和第二个节点 SQL> select lpad(last_name,length(last_name)+(level*2)-2,'_') as org_chart from employees 2 start with first_name='Steven' and last_name='King' 3 connect by prior employee_id=manager_id and level<3; ORG_CHART -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- King __Kochhar __De Haan 4、相关习题: (1)View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table. You want to retrieve hierarchical data of the employees using the top-down hierarchy. Which SQL clause would let you choose the direction to walk through the hierarchy tree ? A.WHERE B.HAVING C.GROUP BY D.START WITH E.CONNECT BY PRIOR 答案:E (2)Which statements are true regarding the hierarchical query in Oracle Database 10g(Choose all that apply.) A.It is possible to retrieve data only in top-down hierarchy. B.It is possible to retrieve data in top-down or bottom-up hierarchy. C.It is possible to remove an entire branch from the output of the hierarchical query. D.You cannot specify conditions when you retrieve data by using a hierarchical query. 答案:BC (3)View the Exhibit and examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id FROM employees START WITH employee_id = 101 CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id=manager_id? Which statement is true regarding the output for this command? A.It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by his or her peers. B.It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by the employee to whom he or she reports. C.It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 101, followed by employees below him or her in the hierarchy. D.It would return a hierarchical output starting with the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is101, followed by employees up to one level below him or her in the hierarchy. 答案:C (4)View the Exhibit and examine the details of the EMPLOYEES table. You want to generate a hierarchical report for all the employees who report to the employee whose EMPLOYEE_ID is 100. Which SQL clauses would you require to accomplish the task? (Choose all that apply.) A.WHERE B.HAVING C.GROUP BY D.START WITH E.CONNECT BY 答案:ADE (5)View the Exhibit and examine the description of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate the following SQL statement: SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id, LEVEL FROM employees START WITH employee_id = 101 CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id=manager_id;Which two statements are true regarding the output of this command?(Choose two.) A.The output would be in top-down hierarchy starting with EMPLOYEE_ID having value 101.
B.The output would be in bottom-up hierarchy starting with EMPLOYEE_ID having value 101.
C.The LEVEL column displays the number of employees in the hierarchy under the employee having the EMPLOYEE_ID 101.
D.The LEVEL column displays the level in the hierarchy at which the employee is placed under theemployee having the EMPLOYEE_ID 101. 答案:AD (6)View the Exhibit and examine the details of the EMPLOYEES table. Evaluate the following SQL statements: Statement 1: SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id FROM employees START WITH employee_id =101 CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id AND manager_id != 108;Statement 2: SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id, manager_id FROM employees WHERE manager_id != 108 START WITH employee_id=101 CONNECT BY PRIOR employee_id = manager_id ; Which two statements are true regarding the above SQL statements ? (Choose two.) A.Statement 2 would not execute because the WHERE clause condition is not allowed in a statement that has the START WITH clause.
B.The output for statement 1 would display the employee with MANAGER_ID 108 and all the employees below him or her in the hierarchy.
C.The output of statement 1 would neither display the employee with MANAGER_ID 108 nor any employee below him or her in the hierarchy.
D.The output for statement 2 would not display the employee with MANAGER_ID 108 but it would display all the employees below him or her in the hierarchy. 答案:CD