本帖最后由 jiawang 于 2018-10-31 10:20 编辑
报错现象:Mon Oct 22 22:00:02 2018 Errors in fileD:\APP\ADMINISTRATOR\diag\rdbms\bisorcl\bisorcl\trace\bisorcl_j000_67296.trc: ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job"SYS"."DRA_REEVALUATE_OPEN_FAILURES" ORA-48227: Invalid Relation File - [ADR_INVALIDATION] [cannot access ADRrelation from incompatible platform] [7] [12] ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_IR", line 522
MOS 上对这个问题有解释,参考: ORA-48312 And ORA-48227 Errors Migrating To 11g 64bit (文档 ID 743613.1) 解决办法: To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. To recreate the AMS relations in the ADR repository, please take a backup of
the current directory /home/oracle/oracle/diag (the windows equivalent) and then remove it:
rm -rf /home/oracle/oracle/diag 删除oralce_base/diag目录,系统会自动创建新的diag目录。
It can be done with the database OPEN.
2. Once the directory is removed, connect to sqlplus and the directory will be
recreated automatically:
sqlplus '/ as sysdba'