Upgrading to the New Oracle Database 10g Release 2
Step 21:
Update the init.ora file:
- Make a backup of the old init.ora file
- Copy it from the old (pre-10.2) ORACLE_HOME to the new (10.2) ORACLE_HOME
On Unix/Linux, the default location of the file is the $ORACLE_HOME/dbs directory
- Comment out any obsoleted parameters (listed in appendix A).
- Change all deprecated parameters (listed in appendix B).
- Set the COMPATIBLE initialization parameter to an appropriate value. If you are upgrading from then set the COMPATIBLE parameter to 9.2.0 until after the upgrade has been completed successfully. If you are upgrading from 9.2.0 or 10.1.0 then leave the COMPATIBLE parameter set to it's current value until the upgrade has been completed successfully. This will avoid any unnecessary ORA-942 errors from being reported in SMON trace files during the upgrade (because the upgrade is looking for 10.2 objects that have not yet been created)
- If you have the parameter NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS currently set to CHAR, change the value to BYTE during the upgrade (to avoid the issue described in Note:4638550.8)
- Verify that the parameter DB_DOMAIN is set properly.
- Make sure the PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET initialization parameter is set to at least 24 MB.
- Ensure that the SHARED_POOL_SIZE and the LARGE_POOL_SIZE are at least 150Mb. Please also the check the "KNOWN ISSUES" section
- Make sure the JAVA_POOL_SIZE initialization parameter is set to at least 150 MB.
- Make sure the STREAMS_POOL_SIZE is set to at least 50 MB (200 MB is ideal)
- Ensure there is a value for DB_BLOCK_SIZE
- On Windows operating systems, change the BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST and USER_DUMP_DEST initialization parameters that point to RDBMS80 or any other environment variable to point to the following directories instead:
- Comment out any existing AQ_TM_PROCESSES and JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES parameter settings, and add new lines in the init.ora/spfile.ora that explicitly set AQ_TM_PROCESSES=0 and JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES=0 for the duration of the upgrade. The "startup upgrade" command (see step 30) should ensure that these settings are used, but it's worth making sure.
- If you have defined an UNDO tablespace, set the parameter UNDO_MANAGEMENT=AUTO (otherwise, either unset the parameter or explicitly set it to MANUAL). See Note:135090.1 for further information about the Automatic Undo Management feature.
- Make sure all path names in the parameter file are fully specified. You should not have relative path names in the parameter file.
- If you are using a cluster database, set the parameter CLUSTER_DATABASE=FALSE during the upgrade.
- If you are upgrading a cluster database, then modify the initdb_name.ora file in the same way that you modified the parameter file.
- Verify the parameter FIXED_DATE is not set. If it set during the upgrade catalog and catproc will report as invalid even if there are no invalid sys or system objects. See Note: 745183.1 for further information.