文档课题:drop user与drop user cascade的区别. oracle数据库删除用户有dropuser username和drop user username cascade命令,它们有何区别呢? 官方文档: Droppinga Database User: Example If user Sidney's schema contains no objects, thenyou can drop sidney by issuing the statement: DROP USER sidney; If Sidney's schema containsobjects, then you must use the CASCADE clause to drop sidney and the objects: DROP USER sidney CASCADE; 当用户下没有数据库对象时,可以用dropuser username删除用户,但当该用户有对象时,就要用drop user username cascade删除用户. 测试如下: 数据库:oracle11.2.0.4 64位 系统:centos7.9 64位 1、drop user测试SQL>create user liujun identified by liujun; Usercreated. SQL>select object_type,count(*) from all_objects where owner='LIUJUN' group byobject_type; no rowsselected SQL>drop user liujun; Userdropped. 说明:用户LIUJUN无数据库对象,dropuser命令删除成功. 2、drop user cascade测试SQL>create user liujun identified by liujun; Usercreated. SQL>grant connect,resource,unlimited tablespace to liujun; Grantsucceeded. SQL>conn liujun/liujun; Connected. SQL>select * from user_sys_privs; USERNAME PRIVILEGE ADM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- LIUJUN UNLIMITEDTABLESPACE NO SQL>select * from session_privs; PRIVILEGE ---------------------------------------- CREATESESSION UNLIMITEDTABLESPACE CREATETABLE CREATECLUSTER CREATESEQUENCE CREATEPROCEDURE CREATETRIGGER CREATETYPE CREATEOPERATOR CREATEINDEXTYPE 10 rowsselected. SQL> createtable test (id number(6,2), 2 name varchar2(20)); Tablecreated. SQL>begin 2 for i in 1..1000 loop 3 insert into test values (i,'a' || i); 4 end loop; 5 end; 6 / PL/SQLprocedure successfully completed. SQL>commit; Commitcomplete. SQL>conn / as sysdba Connected. SQL>select object_type,count(*) from all_objects where owner='LIUJUN' group byobject_type; OBJECT_TYPE COUNT(*) ----------------------------- TABLE 1 SQL>drop user liujun; drop userliujun * ERROR atline 1: ORA-01922:CASCADE must be specified to drop 'LIUJUN' SQL>drop user liujun cascade; Userdropped. 说明:当用户LIUJUN有数据库对象时,删除该用户就需要使用drop user cascade.