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Red Hat OpenStack Platform Life Cycle

发表于 2017-12-17 18:30:54 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Red Hat OpenStack Platform offers the innovation of the OpenStack community project, while also providing the security, stability, and enterprise-readiness of a platform built on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Red Hat offers services for each major release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 3 offered with 1 year of Production support.
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 4 offered with 1.5 years of Production support.
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 5 offered with 3 years of Production support, divided into two sequential phases: Phase 1 (1 year) and Phase 2 (2 years)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 6 offered with 3 years of Production support, divided into two sequential phases: Phase 1 (1 year) and Phase 2 (2 years)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 7 offered with 3 years of Production support, divided into two sequential phases: Phase 1 (1 year) and Phase 2 (2 years)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8 offered with 3 years of Production support, divided into two sequential phases: Phase 1 (1 year) and Phase 2 (2 years)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 9 offered with 3 years of Production support, divided into two sequential phases: Phase 1 (1 year) and Phase 2 (2 years)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10 offered with 3 years of Production support and the option to purchase an extended lifecycle support (ELS) for 4th and 5th years, divided into sequential phases: Phase 1 (18 months) and Phase 2 (18 months) and ELS (24 months)
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 11 offered with 1 year of Production Phase 2 support.
  • Red Hat OpenStack Platform 12 offered with 1 year of Production Phase 2 support.
Note: Production support will vary depending on the version starting with Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10. For more information, download the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Life Cycle Support FAQ
Red Hat OpenStack Platform is available as its own product offering and as a component delivered as part of the Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure and Red Hat Cloud Suite solution offerings. The above support life cycle for Red Hat OpenStack Platform applies to both the stand-alone product offering and to the component when delivered as a part of the Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure and Red Hat Cloud Suite solution offerings.
For information on the life cycle of Red Hat OpenStack Platform director, please visit this page: Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director Life Cycle

Software changes to Red Hat OpenStack Platform are delivered through individual updates known as errata advisories. These advisories are delivered through the Red Hat Customer Portal or other authorized portals. Errata advisories can be released individually on an as-needed basis or aggregated as a minor release. Errata advisories may contain security fixes (Red Hat Security Advisories or RHSAs), bug fixes (Red Hat Bug Fix Advisories or RHBAs), or feature enhancements (Red Hat Enhancement Advisories or RHEAs). All errata advisories are tested and qualified against the respective, active Red Hat OpenStack Platform major release.
All released errata advisories remain accessible to active subscribers for the entire Red Hat OpenStack Platform life cycle. Within each major release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform, any errata advisory (including one released as part of a minor release) will be applied cumulatively to the latest release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform, including any patch sets.
During the life cycle of a major release, Red Hat makes commercially reasonable efforts to maintain binary compatibility for the core runtime environment across all minor releases and errata advisories. If necessary, Red Hat may make exceptions to this compatibility goal for Critical impact security or other significant issues.
The following table details the subscription services, including support and software maintenance, performed during each phase of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform life cycle:
Production Phase 1
Production Phase 2
Extended Life Support
Access to previously released content through the Red Hat Customer Portal
Self help through the Red Hat Customer Portal
Technical Support1
Security Errata (RHSA)
Bug Fix Errata (RHBA)2
Backporting of new features (potential)3
New partner additions
New certification
Normal releases
12 months
Life long releases
First 18 months
18-36 months
2+ years

1. Technical Support depends on the service level included in your Red Hat OpenStack Platform or Red Hat Cloud Infrastructure subscription agreement.
2. Red Hat may choose, as a temporary measure, to address catastrophic issues with a significant customer business impact with a hotfix while the Red Hat Bug Fix Advisory (RHBA) is being created.
3. Each feature backport will require review from Red Hat Product Management and Engineering prior to commitment
4. Extended Life Support service subscription is valid only for existing infrastructure and does not cover new installations of the product.
5. At the end of Production Phase 1, or 90 days after the latest major release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform, whichever is later, Red Hat will stop processing certification requests made against the previous release. Any certification request made after this time should be aligned with the latest version of Red Hat Openstack Platform.

Production Phase 1:
During the Production Phase, qualified Critical and Important Security Advisories (RHSAs) and urgent and selected High Priority Bug Fix Advisories (RHBAs) may be released as they become available. Other errata advisories may be delivered as appropriate.
If available, select enhanced software functionality may be provided at the discretion of Red Hat.
Maintenance releases will also include available and qualified errata advisories (RHSAs, RHBAs, and RHEAs). Maintenance releases are cumulative and include the contents of previously released updates. The focus for minor releases during this phase lies on resolving defects of medium or higher priority.
In addition, and only during production phase 1:
  • Customers and Partners have the ability to request new features which are introduced upstream to be selectively backported, pending the review of Red Hat Product Management and Engineering, until the end of this phase
  • The installer components may be updated until the end of this phase
  • Partner may introduce new plugins to be certified with the version until the end of this phase

Production Phase 2:
Same as Production Phase 1, excluding:
  • introduction of new features through backports
  • introduction of additional partner plugins

Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS):
Same as Production Phase 2, with a change of:
  • Select Bug Fix Errata (RHBA) only.
  • Qualified Critical and Important Security Advisories (RHSAs) only.
  • Valid for existing environments only. Cannot be applied to new installations of the product on hardware or in combination with technologies which have not been certified with the version of the product, or its underlying RHEL components, as they were at the end of production phase 2.

For more information on Red Hat OpenStack Platform Extended Lifecycle Support refer to the Frequently Asked Questions document.
Red Hat OpenStack Platform director
Our official deployment and management tool is part of Red Hat OpenStack Platform release and therefore it has same support criteria as the core product.
For detailed information relating to the Red Hat Openstack Platform director, see the Red Hat OpenStack Platform Director Life Cycle support policy page.
Previously released Red Hat OpenStack Platform installers
Any installers which were released before Red Hat OpenStack Platform director became the official deployment and management tool (version 7) are no longer supported (end of life).
Red Hat OpenStack Platform Upgrade PolicyUpgrades between sequential releases (N→N+1)
Starting with release version 7 1, Red Hat is providing automated in-place (rolling) upgrades between sequential major releases of Red Hat OpenStack Platform (N → N+1)2 via Red Hat OpenStack Platform director. In-place rolling upgrades ensures no (or very minimal) additional hardware is needed for the upgrade procedure (some unused capacity to evacuate workload from one host at a time is still required) and minimal to no disruption of the workloads running on the cloud. This type of upgrade is supported as long as:
  • There are no modifications to the deployment done outside of director
  • Additions to director are complemented with independent upgrade scripts when needed
  • The upgrade is performed while the releases involved are still supported 3

Red Hat also provides documentation guidance on manual upgrade procedures if the upgrade via Red Hat OpenStack Platform director is not available 4, and, since version 11, independent upgrade scripts for each service are provided in the form of Ansible playbooks which could be reused outside of director.
Please refer to the individual product documentation for install or upgrade procedures.
Red Hat does not support updating from an alpha, beta, release-candidate, or other pre-release build.
1. The first automated upgrade path is from Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7 to Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.
2. For example, the process would support upgrading from Red Hat OpenStack Platform 7 to Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8, but not upgrading from Red Hat OpenStack Platform 7 to Red Hat OpenStack Platform 9. In that case the upgrade would have to be performed version by version (7 to 8 to 9).
3. In the case of one year releases, the upgrade needs to be performed within one year of the release date of the earlier Red Hat OpenStack Platform version.
4. Including all releases before Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7.

Upgrades between long-life releases (N→N+3)
Red Hat OpenStack Platform director's support for in-place rolling upgrades between sequential releases requires the ability for the control plane to be running the new release (N+1) while compute nodes continue to run the old release (N). This isn't currently possible when the versions involved are more than one release apart.
Customers who wish to take advantage of the long-life option to skip deploying certain releases will need to upgrade (e.g., Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10→13) using a more disruptive process that may involve minimal additional hardware (currently estimated as one undercloud node, three controller nodes, and two or more compute/storage nodes, depending on customer workload type). Red Hat will provide additional tooling to support such migrations. Note that some outage may be required for the cloud workloads being migrated.
Life Cycle Dates


Red Hat OpenStack Platform Release
General Availability
End of Production, Phase 1
End of Production, Phase 2
Cert End 1
3 (Grizzly)
July 10, 2013
July 31, 2014
March 19, 2014
4 (Havana)
December 19, 2013
June 19, 2015
June 19, 2015
June 19, 2015
5 (Icehouse)
June 30, 2014
June 30, 2015
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2015
6 (Juno)
Feb 9, 2015
Feb 9, 2016
Feb 17, 2018
Feb 9, 2016
7 (Kilo)
August 5, 2015
August 5, 2016
August 5, 2018
August 5, 2016
8 (Liberty)
April 20, 2016
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2019
April 20, 2017
9 (Mitaka)
August 24, 2016
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2017
10 (Newton)
December 15, 2016
June 16, 2018
December 16, 2019
June 16, 2018
11 (Ocata)
May 18, 2017
May 18, 2018
90d after OSP12.GA
12 (Pike)
December 13, 2017
December 13, 2018
90d after OSP13.GA

1. The first automated upgrade path is from Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7 to Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.

Red Hat OpenStack Platform and Underlying System Version Support
The following section outlines the versions of the Red Hat OpenStack Platform, Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Hypervisor module (qemu-kvm-rhev) alignment.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version Support
Each Red Hat OpenStack Platform version 1 supports only one major release version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux with all their minor version update releases. As such while you may continue to use existing versions, you must update to the latest version of Red Hat Enterprise Linux minor release to continue to consume new bug fix and security errata.
New deployments of the latest Red Hat OpenStack Platform bits need to be based on top of the latest Red Hat Enterprise Linux minor release of given major supported version.
1. The first automated upgrade path is from Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform 7 to Red Hat OpenStack Platform 8.

Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor Version Support
Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor versioning is aligned with the Red Hat Enterprise Linux version that it is based on. When a new Red Hat Enterprise Linux minor version update is released then the aligned Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor build supersedes the previous versions.
Since the versioning is aligned, Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor version support applies the same requirements as explained in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version Support section.
The Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor is not available via the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Extended Update Support (EUS) offering.
Red Hat OpenStack Platform Versions
Initial Red Hat Enterprise Linux Versions Support
Initial Red Hat Virtualization Hypervisor Versions Support
6.4, 7.0
6.4, 7.0

NOTE: Red Hat OpenStack Platform does not offer Extended Update Support (see http://www.redhat.com/products/e ... nded-update-support for details).
Red Hat Openstack Platform Support Policies
View more details regarding Red Hat OpenStack Platform Support Policies.
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