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[安装] em13c agent安装RU

发表于 2023-6-9 00:16:49 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
[oracle@emserver emru]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

[oracle@emserver emru]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/AgentPatcher:$PATH

[oracle@emserver emru]$ agentpatcher version
AgentPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Tue Apr 28 18:16:31 PDT 2020

AgentPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@emserver emru]$ agentpatcher lspatches
AgentPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

AgentPatcher version :
OUI version        :
Running from       : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Log file location  : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

Component Name/Version                            Component Type      System Patch        (Sub)-Patches       Patch Description
------------------------                          -------------       -------------       --------------      ------------------
oracle.sysman.agent.ic/                 Core                N/A                 32313251            
                                                                      N/A                 32302527            
                                                                      N/A                 32574981            

NOTE: N/A indicates that the subpatch mentioned in the Subpatches column was applied as a one-off patch and not as part of any system patch.

AgentPatcher has saved inventory details for the above component at below location.

For more details on installed patch(es), Please do "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13. lsinventory -details"

AgentPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@emserver emru]$

[oracle@emserver emru]$ cd 35262133
[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ pwd

[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ agentpatcher apply -analyze
AgentPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

AgentPatcher version :
OUI version        :
Running from       : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Log file location  : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher log file: /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262148 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33869752 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34471145 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35261190 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262163 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35151456 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34981735 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34158793 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262280 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33737099 passed.

Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456" and Oracle Home "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."...
Sub-patch(es) "35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."

Complete Summary

All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."

Prerequisites analysis summary:

The following sub-patch(es) are applicable:

               Featureset                                                                                 Sub-patches                                                                                                                      Log file
               ----------                                                                                 -----------                                                                                                                      --------
  oracle.sysman.top.agent   35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456   35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456_opatch2023-06-08_20-09-58PM_1.log

The following sub-patches are incompatible with components installed in the Agent system:

The following patches could not be applied during OPatch execution:
  Patch               Reason
*********           *********
34611842    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.am.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
32968787    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.bda.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34471036    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.empa.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
33715858    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.bda.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262187    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.si.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34471072    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.empa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34541981    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vt.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262315    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.xa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262172    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vi.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
33586851    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.emfa.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34158650    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.emfa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34024065    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vi.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
Log file location: /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@emserver 35262133]$

[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Agent Version          :
OMS Version            :
Protocol Version       :
Agent Home             : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_inst
Agent Log Directory    : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_inst/sysman/log
Agent Binaries         : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Core JAR Location      : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Agent Process ID       : 2155
Parent Process ID      : 1920
Agent URL              : https://emserver.hxyy.com:3872/emd/main/
Local Agent URL in NAT : https://emserver.hxyy.com:3872/emd/main/
Repository URL         : https://emserver.hxyy.com:4903/empbs/upload
Started at             : 2023-06-08 13:13:53
Started by user        : oracle
Operating System       : Linux version 3.10.0-1160.el7.x86_64 (amd64)
Number of Targets      : 37
Last Reload            : (none)
Last successful upload                       : 2023-06-08 20:08:23
Last attempted upload                        : 2023-06-08 20:08:23
Total Megabytes of XML files uploaded so far : 1.07
Number of XML files pending upload           : 0
Size of XML files pending upload(MB)         : 0
Available disk space on upload filesystem    : 61.28%
Collection Status                            : Collections enabled
Heartbeat Status                             : Ok
Last attempted heartbeat to OMS              : 2023-06-08 20:11:28
Last successful heartbeat to OMS             : 2023-06-08 20:11:28
Next scheduled heartbeat to OMS              : 2023-06-08 20:12:28

Agent is Running and Ready
[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ emctl stop agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Stopping agent ... stopped.
[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ emctl status agent
Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c Release 5  
Copyright (c) 1996, 2021 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
Agent is Not Running
[oracle@emserver 35262133]$

[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ agentpatcher apply
AgentPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

AgentPatcher version :
OUI version        :
Running from       : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Log file location  : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher log file: /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262148 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33869752 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34471145 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35261190 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262163 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35151456 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34981735 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34158793 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 35262280 passed.

Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33737099 passed.

Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456" and Oracle Home "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."...
Sub-patch(es) "35261190,35262163,33737099,35262148,34471145,34158793,35262280,33869752,34981735,35151456" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."

To continue, AgentPatcher will do the following:
[Patch and deploy artifacts]   :

Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Applying sub-patch(es) "33737099,33869752,34158793,34471145,34981735,35151456,35261190,35262148,35262163,35262280"
Please monitor log file: /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

Complete Summary

All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13."

Patching summary:

Binaries of the following sub-patch(es) have been applied successfully:

                          Featureset                                                                                 Sub-patches                                                                                                                      Log file
                          ----------                                                                                 -----------                                                                                                                      --------
  oracle.sysman.top.agent_13.   33737099,33869752,34158793,34471145,34981735,35151456,35261190,35262148,35262163,35262280   33737099,33869752,34158793,34471145,34981735,35151456,35261190,35262148,35262163,35262280_opatch2023-06-08_20-12-51PM_1.log

The following sub-patches are incompatible with components installed in the Agent system:

The following patches could not be applied during OPatch execution:
  Patch               Reason
*********           *********
34611842    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.am.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
32968787    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.bda.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34471036    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.empa.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
33715858    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.bda.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262187    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.si.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34471072    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.empa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34541981    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vt.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262315    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.xa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
35262172    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vi.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
33586851    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.emfa.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34158650    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.emfa.agent.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
34024065    The Plugin or Core Component "oracle.sysman.vi.discovery.plugin with version" for which the patch is intended is not deployed in your Enterprise Manager system.
Log file location: /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

AgentPatcher succeeded.

[oracle@emserver 35262133]$ agentpatcher lspatches
AgentPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

AgentPatcher version :
OUI version        :
Running from       : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.
Log file location  : /u02/em13c/agent/agent_13.

Component Name/Version                            Component Type      System Patch        (Sub)-Patches       Patch Description
------------------------                          -------------       -------------       --------------      ------------------
oracle.sysman.si.discovery.plugin/13.5.1          Plugin              35262133            33737099            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Systems Infrastructure 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 4 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)

oracle.sysman.agent.ic/                 Core                N/A                 32313251            
                                                                      N/A                 32302527            
                                                                      N/A                 32574981            
                                                                      35262133            33869752            Tracking bug to repackage JDBC patch from 32752229 as 13.5 EM Agent patch

oracle.sysman.emas.discovery.plugin/13.5          Plugin              35262133            35151456            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Fusion Middleware 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 15 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)

oracle.sysman.db.discovery.plugin/13.5.1          Plugin              35262133            34981735            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 13 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)

oracle.sysman.oh.agent.plugin/          Plugin              35262133            34471145            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Home 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 9 ( for Oracle Management Agent

oracle.sysman.emrep.agent.plugin/13.5.0.          Plugin              35262133            34158793            Oracle Enterprise Manager for EMREP 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 8 ( for Oracle Management Agent

oracle.sysman.db.agent.plugin/          Plugin              35262133            35261190            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Oracle Database 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 15 ( for Oracle Management Agent

oracle.sysman.emas.agent.plugin/          Plugin              35262133            35262280            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Fusion Middleware 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 15 ( for Oracle Management Agent

oracle.sysman.xa.discovery.plugin/13.5.1          Plugin              35262133            35262163            Oracle Enterprise Manager for Exadata 13c Release 5 Plug-in Update 15 ( for Oracle Management Agent (Discovery)

oracle.sysman.top.agent/                Core                35262133            35262148            Oracle Enterprise Manager 13c Release 5 Platform Update 15 ( for Oracle Management Agent

NOTE: N/A indicates that the subpatch mentioned in the Subpatches column was applied as a one-off patch and not as part of any system patch.

AgentPatcher has saved inventory details for the above component at below location.

For more details on installed patch(es), Please do "/u02/em13c/agent/agent_13. lsinventory -details"

AgentPatcher succeeded.

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