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Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" (OJVM PSU) Patches 是什么

发表于 2015-5-8 09:29:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

In this Document

  What is "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" ?
  Which Patches are Applicable to which Homes ?
  What is the "Mitigation Patch" ?
  JDBC Patch
  What Should I Do ?
  Database ORACLE_HOMEs
  Summary of Patching Approaches for Database ORACLE_HOMEs
  Important Information about OJVM PSU Patches
  Using the Mitigation Patch
  Applying the Mitigation Patch
  Effects of Activating the Mitigation Patch
  Temporarily Enabling Creation/Update of Stored Java Objects
  Applying an "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" Patch with the Mitigation Patch Already Installed
  Questions and Answers
  Addiitional Notes

Applies to:

Oracle Database - Personal Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database - Standard Edition - Version and later
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Oracle Platinum Services - Version N/A to N/A
Information in this document applies to any platform.


This document was updated on 14/Apr/2015 to include OJVM information for April 2015 OJVM PSU.

Main updates for April 2015:
-> There are new OJVM security fixes included in April 2015 OJVM PSU
-> April 2015 OJVM PSU cannot be installed in a RAC Rolling (or Standby First) manner
-> The existing "Mitigation Patch" has been reviewed and can be used to mitigate against vulnerabilities fixed in April 2015 OJVM PSU
-> The October 2014 JDBC Patch is still applicable/recommended for non-Database homes
-> April 2015 GI Combo patches include the Oct 2014 JDBC Patch

This document gives information about:

  • Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU patches

  • Mitigation steps that can be used to protect against Oracle JavaVM vulnerabilities in any database version from onwards .


What is "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" ?

Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU is released as part of the Critical Patch Update program from October 2014 onwards.
It consists of two separate patches:

  • One for JDBC clients - applicable to Client, Instant Client, Database and Grid ORACLE_HOMES.
    This is referred to as "JDBC Patch" in the rest of this document.

  • One for the Oracle JavaVM component within the Oracle Database - applicable to database ORACLE_HOMEs only.
    This is referred to as "OJVM PSU" in the rest of this document.
    As of January 2015 the "OJVM PSU" patches include all fixes from the "JDBC Patch".

For situations where the latest OJVM PSU cannot be installed immediately there is a "Mitigation Patch" that can be used.

Risk information on the vulnerabilities can be found in the "Oracle Database Server Risk Matrix" information located here:

Which Patches are Applicable to which Homes ?

The table below shows which Oracle JavaVM Component patches are required in the various ORACLE_HOMEs.

Oracle JavaVM Component Patch Applicability
Version Type of Home October 2014 January & April 2015

Database Home

OJVM PSU (Oct 2014)

(or Mitigation Patch)
OJVM PSU (Jan or Apr 2015)

(or Mitigation Patch)
Grid Home None None
Client / Instant Client Home None None,,,

Database Home

OJVM PSU (Oct 2014)
and JDBC Patch (Oct 2014)

(or Mitigation Patch and JDBC Patch)

OJVM PSU (Jan or Apr 2015) [includes JDBC fixes]

(or Mitigation Patch and JDBC Patch)
Grid Home JDBC Patch (Oct 2014)  JDBC Patch (Oct 2014)
Client / Instant Client Home JDBC Patch (Oct 2014)  JDBC Patch (Oct 2014)
Other Versions Database Home Mitigation Patch Mitigation Patch

Latest patch availability information can be found in Document:756671.1 "Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database".


OJVM PSU patches:

  • include critical fixes for the Oracle JavaVM component within the Oracle Database

  • are packaged separately from the Database PSU (or equivalent) as they cannot be installed in a RAC Rolling manner, nor in Standby First manner.
    Keeping them separate allows customers to choose the most appropriate patching approach for each system
    • Oracle has also released "Combo" patches that bundle the OJVM PSU in the same ZIP file as DB PSU and/or GI PSU for ease of download. The OJVM component in these "Combo" patches is in a separate subdirectory with its own install steps still required. October 2014 "Combo" patches do not include the JDBC Patch.

  • are applicable to all database installations regardless of which patching model is used (DB PSU, GI PSU, Security Patch Update (SPU), Windows Bundle Patch or Database Patch for Exadata)

  • require the database home to be patched to at least October 2014 DB PSU (or equivalent)

  • include binary changes to be applied to each Database ORACLE_HOME, and "post install" steps to be execute on each database running from the ORACLE_HOME

  • from January 2015 onwards: include the JDBC fixes

For situations where the latest OJVM PSU cannot be installed immediately there is a "Mitigation Patch" that can be used as describe below.

What is the "Mitigation Patch" ?

For situations where the latest OJVM PSU cannot be installed immediately there is a "Mitigation Patch" that can be used. The "Mitigation Patch" is an interim solution to protect against all currently known (Jan 2015) Oracle JavaVM security vulnerabilities in the database until such time as the OJVM PSU can be installed. It can also be used to protect database versions no longer covered by error correction support.

The "Mitigation Patch":

  • is applicable only to database homes, not client nor Grid homes

  • is only applicable to databases that have JavaVM installed

  • has no dependency on the DB PSU (or equivalent) level

  • can be installed in a RAC Rolling manner

  • is a SQL only patch that needs to be installed and activated in each database
    • hence it can be installed standby first but it requires SQL steps to be executed to be effective, which cannot be done on a read only standby

  • affects use of Java and Java development in the database

  • has been reviewed for January 2015 and April 2015 and provides mitigation against all currently known OJVM vulnerabilities

  • can be downloaded here: Patch:19721304

Read the "Using the Mitigation Patch" section later in this document to understand the impact of this patch.

JDBC Patch

The JDBC patches:

  • include security fixes for JDBC
    (Oct 2014 patches include fixes for CVE-2014-4289 and CVE-2014-6544 only)

  • are available packaged separately from the OJVM PSU and Database PSU (or equivalent) for ease of deployment to client environments

  • are applicable to Client, Instant Client and Grid ORACLE_HOMES The JDBC fixes are also applicable to the Database home regardless of whether Oracle JavaVM is used in a database or not:
    • For October 2014 the JDBC Patch should also be installed in the Database home
    • For January 2015 the OJVM PSU includes the JDBC fixes and so the JDBC patch does not need to be installed in the Database home unless OJVM PSU is not being installed yet

  • are applicable to all installations regardless of which patching model is used (DB PSU, GI PSU, Security Patch Update (SPU), Windows Bundle Patch or Database Patch for Exadata)

  • have no dependency on OJVM PSU nor Database PSU (or equivalent) patch level

  • can be installed in database server homes in a RAC Rolling manner

  • do not require the database and listeners to be shutdown for patching in non-RAC environments

  • do not require any post install steps be executed against individual databases

Latest JDBC patch availability information can be found in Document:756671.1 "Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database".

What Should I Do ?


Grid homes should be patched with latest GI PSU (or equivalentand the October 2014 JDBC patch.
OJVM PSU is not needed in the Grid home, only in the database home.


Oracle recommends applying the latest OJVM PSU patch to ALL databases that have Oracle JavaVM present in the database, regardless of whether you are explicitly using it or not. Even if Oracle JavaVM is not present in the database it is best practice to install the OJVM PSU in case a new database is created in the ORACLE_HOME.

Run the following select in each database to check if it has Oracle JavaVM present (most databases will have JavaVM):

SELECT version, status FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id='JAVAVM';
  • If "STATUS" is "VALID" then it is recommended to install OJVM PSU for this database.

  • If no rows are returned OR "STATUS" is "REMOVED" then Oracle JavaVM is not present in the database. Although this database does not have JavaVM present it is still considered best practice to install OJVM PSU to protect any database subsequently created in the ORACLE_HOME. Make a note of databases with no JavaVM present as: (a) you do not need to run OJVM PSU post install steps on this database and (b) DB PSU post install steps may report PLS-201 errors which can be ignored.

  • If "STATUS" is any other value there may be issues with the JavaVM install in the database. It is recommended to correct any issues with the JavaVM and then install OJVM PSU.

There are three main patching approaches to protect databases that have Oracle JavaVM present:

(If you do not want to apply DB PSU (or equivalent) at this time you can use option 3)

  1. If you can schedule an immediate outage:
    • Install the latest OJVM PSU patch at the same time as the Database PSU (or equivalent).
    • For October 2014 only: install the JDBC Patch at the same time as OJVM PSU and DB PSU

  2. If you cannot schedule an immediate outage and are running an Exadata or RAC database:
    • Install the Database PSU (or equivalent), the JDBC Patch and the "Mitigation Patch" - these can be applied in a RAC rolling manner.
    • At some future time, when you can schedule an outage, install the latest OJVM PSU patch.
    • You might also use this approach to minimize the full outage duration as it is only OJVM PSU that requires a full outage.

  3. For other scenarios, such as using a database version that has no OJVM PSU available, or if you do not wish to install the latest Database PSU (or equivalent) at this time:
    • Install and activate the "Mitigation Patch" - this has no pre-requisites and patching can typically be performed with the database open.
    • At some future time take actions to get the system to the latest recommended patch levels.

The table in the next section shows the main steps involved in the above patching approaches.

Summary of Patching Approaches for Database ORACLE_HOMEs

This table is for patching database server homes only.

Customers using EM12c to automate patching should also see Document:1936634.1 "Oracle JavaVM Oct 2014 - Check compliance and automate patching using EM12c".

 Approach Summary Steps

Preferred approach
For versions,,, and .

Requires a complete outage.

Database/s are protected on completion of patching.

  1. Shutdown databases and services on all nodes
  2. Apply DB PSU (or equivalent) but do NOT run DB PSU post install steps
  3. Apply OJVM PSU patch [see note-1 below]
  4. October 2014 only for DB versions below Apply the JDBC Patch  [see note-2 below]
  5. Run post install steps on all DBs in the patched home: [see note-3 below]
    • For or later run "datapatch" post install steps
    • For and run the OJVM PSU post install steps followed by the DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps.
    • For run the OJVM PSU post install steps, then shutdown/restart the database before following the DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps. [see note-4 below]
  6. Re-start any stopped databases / services running from this ORACLE_HOME

Alternative approach
For versions,,, and .

Can use RAC Rolling patching method.

Database/s are protected once Java development is disabled.

Some legitimate JavaVM uses may be affected and require additional steps (eg: new privilege grants may be required, extra steps around patching / development operations using JavaVM may be required - see "Using the Mitigation Patch")


The OJVM PSU should still be applied at some suitable later time.

  1. Shutdown instances and services on the local node
  2. Apply DB PSU (or equivalent) but do NOT run DB PSU post install steps
  3. Apply the "Mitigation Patch"
  4. Optionally apply the JDBC Patch [see note-2 below]
  5. Run post install steps on all DBs in the patched home:
    • For or later run "datapatch" post install steps
    • For or lower run the DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps followed by the "Mitigation Patch" post install steps.
  6. Execute dbms_java_dev.disable on all databases in the patched home
  7. Re-start any instances and services

At some later point in time when an outage can be taken:

  1. Disable access to the database/s
  2. Execute dbms_java_dev.enable in each database
  3. Shutdown the database/s
  4. Apply OJVM PSU patch [see note-1 below]
  5. Run OJVM PSU post install steps on all DBs in the patched home

Mitigation only approach
For versions onwards.
Has no pre-requisites.

Can be used if you do not wish to install the latest DB PSU (or equivalent) at this time.
Can use RAC Rolling patching method.
Can typically be performed with database open.

Some legitimate JavaVM uses may be affected and require additional steps (eg: new privilege grants may be required, extra steps around patching / development operations using JavaVM may be required - see "Using the Mitigation Patch")


  1. Shut down any services using JDBC from this ORACLE_HOME, such as dbconsole
  2. Apply the "Mitigation Patch"
  3. Optionally apply the JDBC Patch if available [see note-2 below]
    (The mitigation patch does not require the JDBC patch)
  4. Run the "Mitigation Patch" post install steps on all DBs in the patched home
  5. Execute dbms_java_dev.disable on all databases in the patched home
  6. Re-start any stopped services

Plan to upgrade / patch the system to a currently supported recommended patch level

Note-1: IMPORTANT: Do not access the database after applying the OJVM PSU patch other than to execute the post install steps - any attempt to execute Java after OJVM PSU patch apply, but before the post install steps are complete, will result in ORA-7445 or similar errors. Once the post install steps have completed successfully then you can allow access to the database again. Install of OJVM PSU (Jan 2015) or later will rollbaclk the JDBC Patch if it is installed as OJVM PSU includes those JDBC fixes.

Note-2: JDBC Patches are generic patches that are applicable to database ORACLE_HOMEs. JDBC clients running from the ORACLE_HOME should be stopped before patching, and restarted after patching is complete, so that they use the newly patched JDBC jar files. eg: EM database control uses JDBC. JDBC fixes are already included in so there is no JDBC Patch for that version. JDBC fixes are included in the OJVM PSU patches from January 2015 onwards and so do not need a separate install step.

Post install steps depend on whether a database has JavaVM installed or not:

    • For each database with JavaVM installed:
      • Start the database in UPGRADE mode, run OJVM PSU post install steps, shutdown and restart the database for DB PSU post install steps.
        (It is not mandatory to use UPGRADE mode but some database configurations may report ORA-7445 errors if the DB is started normally before OJVM PSU post install steps have been executed).
      • From April 2015 onwards the OJVM PSU Readme and patching steps now use UPGRADE mode
      • In RAC environments the cluster_database parameter should be set to FALSE in order to STARTUP UPGRADE

    • For any database that has no JavaVM installed:
      • There is no need to run the OJVM PSU post install step on this database
      • DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps will report PLS-201 errors against object INITJVMAUX. These errors can be ignored provided there really is no JavaVM in the database, otherwise the error should be investigated.

Note-4: requires a shutdown between the two sets of post install steps in order to avoid ORA-29532 errors.

General Notes:

  • Neither the mitigation patch nor JDBC Patch have a dependency on DB PSU (or equivalent), but OJVM PSU does.

    Customers using Data Vault should ensure this option is disabled before applying any PSU (or equivalent) patches and enable it again afterwards. See Document:948061.1 "How to Check and Enable/Disable Oracle Binary Options".


Client homes below  version should be patched with the October 2014 JDBC Patch:

  • The JDBC Patch has no dependency on DB PSU (or equivalent) level

  • Applications using JDBC in the patched ORACLE_HOME should be stopped and restarted after patching to pick up the new jar files

  • It is advisable to check for copies of ojdbc*.jar files copied to other locations on client systems as patch install will only replace the ojdbc*jar files in the standard location in the ORACLE_HOME.

  • There may be other security content applicable to client homes included in DB PSU - review the "Installation Types and Security Content" section in the DB PSU README .

OJVM PSU is not required in client homes.

Important Information about OJVM PSU Patches

The following information is applicable to the OJVM PSU patches:

  • The patches are recommended to be applied to ALL databases that have Oracle JavaVM present in the database, regardless of whether you are explicitly using it or not.
  • The patches apply to database server homes only

  • The patches cannot be installed in a RAC Rolling manner and require an outage to install.

  • The patches cannot be installed in a Standby First manner.

  • The patches require that the database home is already patched with at least October 2014 DB PSU [ or equivalent GI PSU, Security Patch Update (SPU), Windows Bundle Patch or Database Patch for Exadata for installations using these other patching models ].

    ie: The database home should be patched to one of the following before applying the OJVM PSU patch:

    • October 2014 SPU or later

    • DB PSU (or DB PSU component of GI PSU)
      • DB PSU or later
      • DB PSU or later
      • DB PSU or later
      • DB PSU or later
      • DB PSU or later

    • Windows
      • Windows bundle patch or later, but see OJVM PSU information in Document:161549.1
      • Windows bundle patch or later, but see OJVM PSU information in Document:161549.1
      • Windows bundle patch or later, but see OJVM PSU information in Document:161549.1
      • Windows bundle patch or later, but see OJVM PSU information in Document:161549.1

    • Exadata
      • Database Patch for Exadata or later
      • GI PSU or later
      • Database Patch for Exadata or later
      • Database Patch for Exadata or later

  • Attempting to apply the OJVM PSU patch to an environment that is not at the required minimum patch level listed above will fail with relink errors.

  • Oracle has released "Combo" patches that bundle the OJVM PSU in the same ZIP file as DB PSU and/or GI PSU for ease of download. The OJVM component in these "Combo" patches is in a separate subdirectory with its own install steps required:
    • For October 2014 "Combo" patches:
      • Also download the Oct 2014 "JDBC Patch" for DB versions below
    • For January 2015 "Combo DB PSU and OJVM PSU" patches:
      • No separate JDBC patch is required as the JDBC fixes are included in the Jan 2015 OJVM PSU
    • For January 2015 "Combo GI PSU and OJVM PSU" patches:
      • Also download the Oct 2014 "JDBC Patch" to install in Grid Homes below version if not previously installed.
    • For April 2015 onwards the "Combo GI PSU and OJVM PSU" patches include the Oct 2014 "JDBC Patch"
      • No separate download of the "JDBC Patch" is required for Grid Homes

  • It is important that the patch installation instructions (in the patch README file) are followed carefully:

    • In particular execute the OJVM PSU post installation steps against all databases in the Oracle Home that have Oracle JavaVM present. You should do this after the patch has been applied but before any other operation on the database. Failure to follow the instructions could lead to errors from user sessions or jobs that attempt to use the JavaVM.

    • If the OJVM PSU patch is applied at the same time as any other patch then execute the OJVM PSU post install steps before the post install steps of any other patch applied.

  • Customers with non-standard databases that do not have the Oracle JavaVM present will get PLS-201 errors during OJVM PSU post install steps or during DB PSU (or equivalent) post install steps. These PLS-201 errors can be safely ignored provided the database does not have an Oracle JavaVM present.
    • You can use the SQL "SELECT version, status FROM dba_registry WHERE comp_id='JAVAVM';" to check.


Using the Mitigation Patch

If you cannot take an immediate outage to install the latest OJVM PSU patch then a recommended alternative is to install and activate the mitigation patch in each database. This will protect against all currently known Oracle JavaVM security vulnerabilities but may interfere with some legitimate Oracle JavaVM uses.

  • The mitigation patch has no pre-requisites - it can be applied and enabled regardless of the current database version or patch level. Patches have been released for several versions that are no longer covered by Error Correction Support, but will not be produced for any version below

  • It can be downloaded here: Patch:19721304 .

Note: The mitigation patch is only a temporary option - you should still plan to install the latest OJVM PSU patch as soon as possible.

Applying the Mitigation Patch

1. Download and apply the relevant version of Patch:19721304 to each database ORACLE_HOME

2. Execute the patch post install steps against all databases running from each ORACLE_HOME. See the README supplied with the patch for post install steps relevant to the database version.

3. Check the patch logs for any errors and correct as required

4. Run the following step as a SYSDBA user to DISABLE Java development in the database:
  • SQL> exec dbms_java_dev.disable

The database is not protected until the dbms_java_dev.disable step completes successfully.

Effects of Activating the Mitigation Patch

The above mitigation patch steps will prevent creation of any new stored Java in the database. This includes attempts to create Java objects from SQL, import, loadjava, patching operations etc..

  "CREATE FUNCTION oscar_quote RETURN VARCHAR2 AS LANGUAGE JAVA ..." operations will fail with errors like:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-02290: check constraint (SYS.JAVA_DEV_DISABLED) violated
  "CREATE or REPLACE and COMPILE JAVA SOURCE named "MyJavaDbProcedure" as ..." operations will fail with error like:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-20031: Java Development Disabled
ORA-06512: at line 4

Execution of dbms_java_dev.disable also:

  • Creates a new role "ORACLE_JAVA_DEV" which can be used to grant back the privilege to individual users as needed;
  • Grants the role ORACLE_JAVA_DEV to users that have objects with static dependencies to one of the above packages.

As a result of the privilege changes applications that use database Java call-ins may fail with errors, and so may need explicit grants to give access to the relevant package.

  After execution of dbms_java_dev.disable a client session might fail with errors like:
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 2:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SYS.SQLJUTL' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 109:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

  To resolve this example issue you could grant execute privilege on SQLJUTL to the database user that makes the connection:

    grant execute on sys.sqljutl to scott;

DBAs should carefully review which users receive grants to execute the above packages as they allow access to all Java classes.

Temporarily Enabling Creation/Update of Stored Java Objects

Use the steps below if you need to allow the creation / update of stored Java objects, including application of patches that affect stored Java or the Oracle JavaVM:

  • Connect to the database as a SYSDBA user

  • SQL> exec dbms_java_dev.enable;

  • Perform the steps required to create or replace Java objects, apply Java related patches etc..

  • SQL> exec dbms_java_dev.disable;

Be sure to end the steps with the call to "dbms_java_dev.disable" in order to protect the database.

Applying an "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" Patch with the Mitigation Patch Already Installed

You must "enable" Java development prior to installing the OJVM PSU patch.

  • Disconnect users and prevent user access to the databases running from the ORACLE_HOME to be patched

  • "exec dbms_java_dev.enable;" in each database

  • Shutdown the databases

  • Follow the full steps to apply the OJVM PSU patch, including running post install steps against each database

You do not need to "disable" Java development after patching with the latest OJVM PSU patch, unless you wish to do so.

Questions and Answers

  • Why should I install the patch if I do not use Oracle JavaVM ?
    • Databases include the Oracle JavaVM by default and so may be exposed to security vulnerabilities that are addressed by the latest patch.

  • Can I just uninstall Oracle JavaVM instead ?
    • The Oracle JavaVM is used by several database options and features and so should not be removed.
      For example, Oracle JavaVM is used by XDK, CDC, Spatial, InterMedia etc..

  • Do I need to take any action if my database was created in a non-standard manner and does not have Oracle JavaVM installed ?
    • If the database has been created without JavaVM then OJVM PSU is not applicable to that database. However, be aware that if a new database is created with JavaVM in an unpatched ORACLE_HOME that new database will not be protected. The preferred option is to install OJVM PSU but omit the OJVM PSU post install steps for the specific database/s that do not have JavaVM. If you do run the OJVM PSU post install steps PLS-201 errors will be reported - these errors can be safely ignored.

  • Can I use any OJVM PSU patch with any DB PSU patch ?
    • The database must be patched to at least October 2014 DB PSU (or equivalent SPU or Database Patch for Exadata) before an OJVM PSU patch can be applied.
    • On Windows platforms OJVM PSU patches have additional dependencies - see OJVM PSU information in Document:161549.1

  • Which database versions are OJVM PSU patches available for ?
    • OJVM PSU patches are released as part of the Critical Patch Update program and are only available for database versions covered by error correction support. As of January 2015 patches have been released for the following database versions:
    • Latest patch numbers and availability can be found in Document:756671.1 "Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database", or by following links in the latest Critical Patch Update under Document:467881.1.
    • For other database versions you can use the "Mitigation Patch".

  • On Windows platforms the latest bundle reports conflicts with a previously installed OJVM patch
    • It is normal and expected for the latest bundle to report conflicts with a previously installed OJVM patch. Each Windows bundle patch has a corrisponding OJVM patch. The standard procedure to apply bundle and OJVM patch in windows environment is:
      • Rollback the old OJVM patch
      • Apply the latest bundle patch
      • Apply the latest OJVM patch

  • Do I need to patch database client installs with OJVM PSU ?
    • The OJVM PSU patch is not applicable for client installs
    • The JDBC Patch is applicable to client installs

  • Do I need to patch Java clients ?
    • For Java clients see the latest Critical Patch Update availability information for "Oracle Java SE"
    • Java clients using JDBC should also be patched with the JDBC Patch. If the ojdbc*jar files used by the client were originally copied from an ORACLE_HOME install then it is advisable to update those ojdbc*jar files after the JDBC Patch has been applied.

  • Do I need to remove the mitigation patch when I install the OJVM PSU patch ?
    • You do not need to rollback the mitigation patch, but you must execute "dbms_java_dev.enable" before applying the OJVM PSU patch.
    • With the mitigation patch left in place you can still use "dbms_java_dev.disable" if required.

  • Why does this document mention using STARTUP UPGRADE for OJVM PSU post install steps when the README does not?
    • ORA-7445 errors may be reported if anything in the database tries to use the JavaVM after OJVM PSU has been applied but before OJVM PSU post install steps have executed. This can affect databases using Change Data Capture (CDC), or databases with job/s that use JavaVM directly or indirectly etc.. This document suggests to use STARTUP UPGRADE for the OJVM PSU post install steps as that mode disables system triggers and jobs and so reduces the chance of something trying to use the JavaVM before the post install steps have completed. It is not mandatory to use UPGRADE mode, and in many cases it is not required. If you do hit ORA-7445 errors on a normal (or restricted) startup after applying OJVM PSU then using UPGRADE mode just for the OJVM PSU post install steps should allow you to proceed.
    • From April 2015 onwards OJVM PSU README now indicates to use STARTUP UPGRADE
    • In RAC environments the cluster_database parameter should be set to FALSE in order to STARTUP UPGRADE

  • Is there a problem if I ran DB PSU post install steps before OJVM PSU steps ?
    • It is valid to run DB PSU post install steps before OJVM PSU steps but this will result in additional invalidations / recompilations and may extend the period of time taken to complete the steps. Be sure to check the post install logs just in case there was some unexpected error.

  • How often are OJVM PSU patches released ?
    • Patches will be released as required at the same time as other Critical Patch Update patches.

  • Will future OJVM PSU be RAC Rolling installable ?
    • Future OJVM PSU on versions up to and including are unlikely to be RAC Rolling installable

  • Does OJVM PSU include non security fixes ?
    • OJVM PSU may include some high impact non-security OJVM fixes

  • How can I tell if the mitigation patch is installed and enabled ?
    • The mitigation patch creates a view called "JAVA_DEV_STATUS"
    • If the view is missing the mitigation patch is not installed
    • If view is present then selecting from the view should return a single row with column JAVA_DEV_ENABLED showing YES or NO to indicate if Java development is currently enabled (YES) or disabled (NO).

  • Why are there 2 entries for "jvmpsu.sql" in DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY after applying DB PSU (or equivalent) and OJVM PSU ?
    • Depending on the exact patching order used DB PSU post install steps may also run the jvmpsu.sql script - this is normal and expected.
    • You should always run complete post install steps as documented regardless of content of DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY.

  • Why do I get ORA-942 errors from DBMS_JAVA_DEV ?
    • This can occur if the database does not have a valid JavaVM installed.
      • ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
        ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_JAVA_DEV", line 54
        ORA-06512: at line 1
    • If you get such errors then check if the database has JavaVM installed (see earlier) - if not then no post install steps are required and the error can be ignored.

Addiitional Notes

OJVM PSU information available BEFORE 30/Oct/2014 contained incorrect information about patching requirements. See Document:1938931.1 if you used OJVM PSU information from before 30/Oct/2014.


NOTE:161549.1 - Oracle Database, CRS, ASM, Networking and EM Agent Patches for Microsoft Platforms
NOTE:1933203.1 - Relink Fails for make target 'jox_refresh_knlopt' with "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" Patch
NOTE:756671.1 - Oracle Recommended Patches -- Oracle Database

NOTE:1931846.1 - Critical Patch Update Oct 2014 Patch Availability Document for Oracle Java SE
NOTE:1936634.1 - Oracle JavaVM OCT 2014 - Check compliance and automate patching using EM12c
NOTE:1939947.1 - PLS-201 Errors Executing Post Install Steps for "Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU" (OJVM PSU)
NOTE:1935120.1 - ORA-01031 during Post Install / De-install for Database PSU or OJVM PSU with Data Vault installed
NOTE:467881.1 - Oracle Critical Patch Update - January 2008 and Beyond
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发表于 2015-5-11 17:50:13 | 只看该作者

JDBC Patch,针对jdbc客户端(Instant Client, Database and Grid ORACLE_HOMES).
Oracle JavaVM Component Database PSU,简称OJVM PSU(仅仅是针对ORACLE_HOMEs).
Combo Patch:可以理解为是OJVM PSU(DB PSU/GI PSU)一样的东西,只不过其允许我们去进行选择安装其中
的部分Patch,而OJVM PSU是不行的,要么都安装,要么都不安装。Combo Patch更加灵活。

从2015年1月的补丁发布开始,OJVM PSU 就集成了JDBC Patch(2014年10月份的补丁并不包括)。

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