ORA-28554: pass-through SQL: out of cursors Cause: The maximum number ofopen cursors has been exceeded. Action: Close open cursors byusing the pass-through SQL CLOSE_CURSOR
function. ORA-28555: pass-throughSQL: required parameter missing or NULL Cause: An attempt was madeto pass a NULL value to a non-NULL parameter. Action: Use a non-NULL valuefor the parameter. ORA-28556:authorization insufficient to access table Cause: A query attempted toaccess a table in the non-Oracle system that is either
privileged or has privileged columns. Action: Contact the DBA forthe non-Oracle system. The DBA can grant
permission to access the privileged table or columns. ORA-28557: unknown string for database link tonon-Oracle system Cause: When attempting toconnect to a non-Oracle system through a
Heterogeneous Services database link, the agent supporting this non-Oracle
system failed to return FDS_CLASS_NAME and/or FDS_INST_NAME. ORACLE