本帖最后由 jiawang 于 2023-10-11 10:35 编辑
OERR: ORA-12519 TNS:no appropriate service handler found 客户端连接间歇性失败,报错ORA-12519
Cause: the listener could not find any available service handlers that are
appropriate for the client connection.
Action: run "lsnrctl services" to ensure that the instance(s) have registered
with the listener, and are accepting connections. 检查lsnrctl service ,instance已经注册,
When the listener believes the current number of connections has reached maximum load,
it may set the state of the service handler for an instance to "blocked" and begin refusing
incoming client connections with either of the following errors: ora-12519 or ora-12516
采用服务动态注册的方式,由PMON 通过SERVICE_UPDATE 来得到目前连接情况,但SERVICE_UPDATE 有时间间隔,
1.select count(*) from v$process; 取得数据库目前的进程数。
2.select value from v$parameter where name = 'processes'; 取得进程数的上限。
4.重新启动数据库到nomount状态下,执行create spfile from pfile; 并startup open。
select * from v$license