ora-03114 : 没有连接到oracle。
原因:当连接没有建立的时候尝试调用Oracle。通常是适应用户编写程序的时候没有进行登陆操作造成的。当然,也有可能是因为网络连接问题导致的断开连接。ORA-03114 not connected to ORACLE
Cause: A call to Oracle was attempted when no connection was
established. Usually this happens because a user-written program has
not logged on. It may also happen if communication trouble causes a
Action: Try again. If the message recurs and the program is user written, check the program.
1 服务器或者是服务器监听器未运行
2 Missing entry to the tnsnames.ora
3 网络问题
4 连接池出现问题