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[性能调整] Oracle Warning: VKTM detected a time drift.

发表于 2023-12-28 17:20:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

在MOS中,定位到了一篇针对alert log中出现Time Drift提示错误的文章,名称为:Time Drift Detected. Please Check VKTM Trace File for More Details,文章编号:ID 1347586.1。
  在文章中,Oracle认为这个错误在11.2.0.2到11.2.0.3之间会不断地出现,已经在11.2.0.4版本中被修复。Bug编号为:11837095 "TIME DRIFT DETECTED" APPEARS INTERMITTENTLY IN ALERT LOG, THO' EVENT 10795 SET。
  如果需要对该Bug进行单独修复,需要进行补丁patch 11837095操作。之后通过设置等待事件10795来进行控制。
  alter system set event="10795 trace name context forever, level 2" scope=spfile;
  Impact of the error:
  The time drifts usually occurring less than 1sec and 5 sec for forward and backward respectively are permissible and OK.
  If the traces are emitting time drifts of amount beyond these ranges, then it needs to be analyzed.
  Most of the times, during high loads, there would be issues with underlying OS due to virtual memory, network time protocol improper configuration etc.
  In general VKTM process need to be scheduled in every 10ms, if due to above reasons this is not happening we see the time drifts and to certain level (mentioned above) are permissible.
  Eventually, this probably would cause the resource manager to take improper decisions and can lead to a hang in worst case.
  VKTM process trace file can be found under bdump, However in this case the trace file doesn't contain useful information, Which makes the message ambiguous.
VKTM出现漂移,可能会影响到resource manager的工作情况。
  VKTM是Oracle 11g中新引入的一个后台进程。我们在面对alert log中出现的各种奇怪问题的时候,最好主动咨询一下官方MOS,看看是否有相似的方案解决。小问题尽早解决,才能保证系统不出现大故障。

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