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使用 ora2pg工具实现ORACLE往PG迁移

发表于 2021-10-11 15:27:07 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1.1 安装perl依赖
1.2 安装DBI模块
1.3 安装DBD::Oracle模块
1.4 安装DBD::Pg模块
1.5 安装ORA2PG
1.6 查看软件是否安装成功
2. 简单使用
2.1 迁移表
2.2 迁移视图
2.3 迁移存储过程
2.4 迁移成本评估




虚拟机 rocky linux 8.4
oracle 19c  19.12
pg 14.0
Ora2Pg v22.1

1.1 安装perl依赖

[root@localhost ~]$ yum install -y perl perl-ExtUtils-CBuilder perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker


[root@localhost ~]$

1.2 安装DBI模块

DBI,Database Independent Interface,是Perl语言连接数据库的接口

下载地址https://metacpan.org/release/DBI  下载出DBI-1.643.tar.gz


[root@localhost /usr/local]$ tar -xzvf DBI-1.643.tar.gz
[root@localhost /usr/local/DBI-1.643]$ cd DBI-1.643/
[root@localhost /usr/local/DBI-1.643]$ perl Makefile.PL
[root@localhost /usr/local/DBI-1.643]$ make
[root@localhost /usr/local/DBI-1.643]$ make install

1.3 安装oracle-instantclient

#下载 InstantClient(Basic、SDK和Sqlplus的zip包)
http://www.oracle.com/technetwor ... -64soft-092277.html

#解压后放到 /u01/app/oracle 目录下
unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-
unzip instantclient-sqlplus-linux.x64-
mkdir /u01/app/oracle -p
mv instantclient_19_12 /u01/app/oracle
cd /u01/app/oracle
chmod 755 instantclient_19_12/

vi /etc/profile
export PATH=/u01/app/oracle/instantclient_19_12/:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/instantclient_19_12/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

# source /etc/profile

1.4 安装DBD::Oracle模块

安装DBD-Oracle驱动,下载地址https://metacpan.org/pod/release ... 0/lib/DBD/Oracle.pm,下载出DBD-Oracle-1.80.tar.gz

# tar -zxvf DBD-Oracle-1.80.tar.gz
# cd DBD-Oracle-1.80/
# perl Makefile.PL
# make
# make install

1.5 安装DBD::Pg模块

# cd DBD-Pg-3.15.0/
# perl Makefile.PL
# make
# make install

1.6 安装ORA2PG

# tar -xvf ora2pg-22.1.tar.bz2
# cd ora2pg-22.1/
# ls
changelog  doc  INSTALL  lib  LICENSE  Makefile.PL  MANIFEST  packaging  README  scripts
# perl Makefile.PL
# make
# make install

Installing default configuration file (ora2pg.conf.dist) to /etc/ora2pg


1.7 查看软件是否安装成功

# cat check.pl

use strict;
use ExtUtils::Installed;
my $inst=ExtUtils::Installed->new();
my @modules = $inst->modules();
       my $ver = $inst->version($_) || "???";
       printf("%-12s -- %s\n",$_,$ver);

# perl check.pl
[root@pgserver sztech]# perl /setup/ora2pg-22.1/check.pl
DBD::Oracle  -- 1.80
DBD::Pg      -- 3.15.0
DBI          -- 1.643
Ora2Pg       -- 22.1
Perl         -- 5.26.3
[root@pgserver sztech]#


[root@pgserver sztech]# cat ora2pg_oracle.conf
ORACLE_HOME     /u01/app/oracle/instantclient_19_12

ORACLE_DSN      dbi:Oracle:host=;sid=emrep;port=1521
ORACLE_PWD      hr
SCHEMA          hr
SKIP    fkeys pkeys ukeys indexes checks
OUTPUT          hr.sql
OUTPUT_DIR      /opt/tmp/sztech

[root@pgserver sztech]# ora2pg -t SHOW_VERSION -c ora2pg_oracle.conf
WARNING: target PostgreSQL version must be set in PG_VERSION configuration directive. Using default: 11
Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release

2. 简单使用

2.1.1 编写配置文件


[root@localhost ~]$ cat ora2pg_table.conf

ORACLE_HOME     /u01/app/oracle/instantclient_19_12

ORACLE_DSN      dbi:Oracle:host=;sid=emrep;port=1521
ORACLE_PWD      hr
TYPE            TABLE
SCHEMA          hr
SKIP    fkeys pkeys ukeys indexes checks
OUTPUT          hr_table.sql
OUTPUT_DIR      /opt/tmp/sztech

[root@pgserver sztech]# cat ora2pg_data.conf

ORACLE_HOME     /u01/app/oracle/instantclient_19_12

ORACLE_DSN      dbi:Oracle:host=;sid=emrep;port=1521
ORACLE_PWD      hr
TYPE            COPY
SCHEMA          hr
SKIP    fkeys pkeys ukeys indexes checks
OUTPUT          data.sql
OUTPUT_DIR      /opt/tmp/sztech

[root@localhost ~]$

2.1.2 导出数据

[root@pgserver sztech]# ora2pg -c ora2pg_table.conf

WARNING: target PostgreSQL version must be set in PG_VERSION configuration directive. Using default: 11
[========================>] 10/10 tables (100.0%) end of scanning.               
Retrieving table partitioning information...
[========================>] 10/10 tables (100.0%) end of table export.      
Fixing function calls in output files...

[root@pgserver sztech]# ora2pg -c ora2pg_data.conf

WARNING: target PostgreSQL version must be set in PG_VERSION configuration directive. Using default: 11
[========================>] 10/10 tables (100.0%) end of scanning.               
[========================>] 25/25 rows (100.0%) Table COUNTRIES (25 recs/sec)
[====>                    ]  25/131 total rows (19.1%) - (0 sec., avg: 25 recs/sec).
[========================>] 8/8 rows (100.0%) Table DEPARTMENTS (8 recs/sec)                       
[======>                  ]  33/131 total rows (25.2%) - (0 sec., avg: 33 recs/sec).
[========================>] 20/20 rows (100.0%) Table EMPLOYEES (20 recs/sec)                     
[=========>               ]  53/131 total rows (40.5%) - (0 sec., avg: 53 recs/sec).
[========================>] 3/1 rows (300.0%) Table FLIGHTS (3 recs/sec)                           
[==========>              ]  56/131 total rows (42.7%) - (0 sec., avg: 56 recs/sec).
[========================>] 19/19 rows (100.0%) Table JOBS (19 recs/sec)                           
[=============>           ]  75/131 total rows (57.3%) - (0 sec., avg: 75 recs/sec).
[========================>] 6/6 rows (100.0%) Table JOB_GRADES (6 recs/sec)                        
[==============>          ]  81/131 total rows (61.8%) - (0 sec., avg: 81 recs/sec).
[========================>] 10/10 rows (100.0%) Table JOB_HISTORY (10 recs/sec)                    
[================>        ]  91/131 total rows (69.5%) - (0 sec., avg: 91 recs/sec).
[========================>] 23/23 rows (100.0%) Table LOCATIONS (23 recs/sec)                     
[====================>    ] 114/131 total rows (87.0%) - (0 sec., avg: 114 recs/sec).
[========================>] 4/4 rows (100.0%) Table REGIONS (4 recs/sec)                           
[=====================>   ] 118/131 total rows (90.1%) - (0 sec., avg: 118 recs/sec).
[========================>] 15/15 rows (100.0%) Table RETIRED_EMPLOYEES (15 recs/sec)               
[========================>] 133/131 total rows (101.5%) - (0 sec., avg: 133 recs/sec).
[========================>] 131/131 rows (100.0%) on total estimated data (1 sec., avg: 131 recs/sec)
Fixing function calls in output files...


[root@pgserver sztech]# cat hr.sql
-- Generated by Ora2Pg, the Oracle database Schema converter, version 22.1
-- Copyright 2000-2021 Gilles DAROLD. All rights reserved.
-- DATASOURCE: dbi:Oracle:host=;sid=emrep;port=1521

SET client_encoding TO 'UTF8';


SET check_function_bodies = false;

CREATE TABLE countries (
        country_id char(2) NOT NULL,
        country_name varchar(40),
        region_id bigint
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE countries IS E'country table. Contains 25 rows. References with locations table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_id IS E'Primary key of countries table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.country_name IS E'Country name';
COMMENT ON COLUMN countries.region_id IS E'Region ID for the country. Foreign key to region_id column in the departments table.';

CREATE TABLE departments (
        department_id smallint NOT NULL,
        department_name varchar(30) NOT NULL,
        manager_id integer,
        location_id smallint
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE departments IS E'Departments table that shows details of departments where employees
work. Contains 27 rows; references with locations, employees, and job_history tables.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.department_id IS E'Primary key column of departments table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.department_name IS E'A not null column that shows name of a department. Administration,
Marketing, Purchasing, Human Resources, Shipping, IT, Executive, Public
Relations, Sales, Finance, and Accounting. ';
COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.location_id IS E'Location id where a department is located. Foreign key to location_id column of locations table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN departments.manager_id IS E'Manager_id of a department. Foreign key to employee_id column of employees table. The manager_id column of the employee table references this column.';

CREATE TABLE employees (
        employee_id integer NOT NULL,
        first_name varchar(20),
        last_name varchar(25) NOT NULL,
        email varchar(25) NOT NULL,
        phone_number varchar(20),
        hire_date timestamp NOT NULL,
        job_id varchar(10) NOT NULL,
        salary double precision,
        commission_pct real,
        manager_id integer,
        department_id smallint
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE employees IS E'employees table. Contains 107 rows. References with departments,
jobs, job_history tables. Contains a self reference.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.commission_pct IS E'Commission percentage of the employee; Only employees in sales
department elgible for commission percentage';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.department_id IS E'Department id where employee works; foreign key to department_id
column of the departments table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.email IS E'Email id of the employee';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.employee_id IS E'Primary key of employees table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.first_name IS E'First name of the employee. A not null column.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.hire_date IS E'Date when the employee started on this job. A not null column.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.job_id IS E'Current job of the employee; foreign key to job_id column of the
jobs table. A not null column.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.last_name IS E'Last name of the employee. A not null column.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.manager_id IS E'Manager id of the employee; has same domain as manager_id in
departments table. Foreign key to employee_id column of employees table.
(useful for reflexive joins and CONNECT BY query)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.phone_number IS E'Phone number of the employee; includes country code and area code';
COMMENT ON COLUMN employees.salary IS E'Monthly salary of the employee. Must be greater
than zero (enforced by constraint emp_salary_min)';

CREATE TABLE flights (
        source varchar(25),
        destin varchar(25),
        flight_time real
) ;

        job_id varchar(10) NOT NULL,
        job_title varchar(35) NOT NULL,
        min_salary integer,
        max_salary integer
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE jobs IS E'jobs table with job titles and salary ranges. Contains 19 rows.
References with employees and job_history table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.job_id IS E'Primary key of jobs table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.job_title IS E'A not null column that shows job title, e.g. AD_VP, FI_ACCOUNTANT';
COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.max_salary IS E'Maximum salary for a job title';
COMMENT ON COLUMN jobs.min_salary IS E'Minimum salary for a job title.';

CREATE TABLE job_grades (
        grade_level char(1),
        lowest_sal bigint,
        highest_sal bigint
) ;

CREATE TABLE job_history (
        employee_id integer NOT NULL,
        start_date timestamp NOT NULL,
        end_date timestamp NOT NULL,
        job_id varchar(10) NOT NULL,
        department_id smallint
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE job_history IS E'Table that stores job history of the employees. If an employee
changes departments within the job or changes jobs within the department,
new rows get inserted into this table with old job information of the
employee. Contains a complex primary key: employee_id+start_date.
Contains 25 rows. References with jobs, employees, and departments tables.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.department_id IS E'Department id in which the employee worked in the past; foreign key to deparment_id column in the departments table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.employee_id IS E'A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date.
Foreign key to employee_id column of the employee table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.end_date IS E'Last day of the employee in this job role. A not null column. Must be
greater than the start_date of the job_history table.
(enforced by constraint jhist_date_interval)';
COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.job_id IS E'Job role in which the employee worked in the past; foreign key to
job_id column in the jobs table. A not null column.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN job_history.start_date IS E'A not null column in the complex primary key employee_id+start_date.
Must be less than the end_date of the job_history table. (enforced by
constraint jhist_date_interval)';

CREATE TABLE locations (
        location_id smallint NOT NULL,
        street_address varchar(40),
        postal_code varchar(12),
        city varchar(30) NOT NULL,
        state_province varchar(25),
        country_id char(2)
) ;
COMMENT ON TABLE locations IS E'Locations table that contains specific address of a specific office,
warehouse, and/or production site of a company. Does not store addresses /
locations of customers. Contains 23 rows; references with the
departments and countries tables. ';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.city IS E'A not null column that shows city where an office, warehouse, or
production site of a company is located. ';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.country_id IS E'Country where an office, warehouse, or production site of a company is
located. Foreign key to country_id column of the countries table.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.location_id IS E'Primary key of locations table';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.postal_code IS E'Postal code of the location of an office, warehouse, or production site
of a company. ';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.state_province IS E'State or Province where an office, warehouse, or production site of a
company is located.';
COMMENT ON COLUMN locations.street_address IS E'Street address of an office, warehouse, or production site of a company.
Contains building number and street name';

CREATE TABLE regions (
        region_id bigint NOT NULL,
        region_name varchar(25)
) ;

CREATE TABLE retired_employees (
        employee_id integer,
        first_name varchar(20),
        last_name varchar(20),
        email varchar(25),
        retired_date timestamp,
        job_id varchar(20),
        salary double precision,
        manager_id smallint,
        department_id integer
) ;
[root@pgserver sztech]#

[root@pgserver sztech]# cat data.sql


COPY countries (country_id,country_name,region_id) FROM STDIN;
AR      Argentina       2
AU      Australia       3
BE      Belgium 1
BR      Brazil  2
CA      Canada  2
CH      Switzerland     1
CN      China   3
DE      Germany 1
DK      Denmark 1
EG      Egypt   4
FR      France  1
IL      Israel  4
IN      India   3
IT      Italy   1
JP      Japan   3
KW      Kuwait  4
ML      Malaysia        3
MX      Mexico  2
NG      Nigeria 4
NL      Netherlands     1
SG      Singapore       3
UK      United Kingdom  1
US      United States of America        2
ZM      Zambia  4
ZW      Zimbabwe        4

COPY departments (department_id,department_name,manager_id,location_id) FROM STDIN;
10      Administration  200     1700
20      Marketing       201     1800
50      Shipping        124     1500
60      IT      103     1400
80      Sales   149     2500
90      Executive       100     1700
110     Accounting      205     1700
190     Contracting     \N      1700

COPY employees (employee_id,first_name,last_name,email,phone_number,hire_date,job_id,salary,commission_pct,manager_id,department_id) FROM STDIN;
100     Steven  King    SKING   515.123.4567    2011-06-17 00:00:00     AD_PRES 24000   \N      \N      90
101     Neena   Kochhar NKOCHHAR        515.123.4568    2009-09-21 00:00:00     AD_VP   17000   \N      100     90
102     Lex     De Haan LDEHAAN 515.123.4569    2009-01-13 00:00:00     AD_VP   17000   \N      100     90
103     Alexander       Hunold  AHUNOLD 590.423.4567    2014-01-03 00:00:00     IT_PROG 9000    \N      102     60
104     Bruce   Ernst   BERNST  590.423.4568    2015-05-21 00:00:00     IT_PROG 6000    \N      103     60
107     Diana   Lorentz DLORENTZ        590.423.5567    2015-02-07 00:00:00     IT_PROG 4200    \N      103     60
124     Kevin   Mourgos KMOURGOS        650.123.5234    2015-11-16 00:00:00     ST_MAN  5800    \N      100     50
141     Trenna  Rajs    TRAJS   650.121.8009    2011-10-17 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        3500    \N      124     50
142     Curtis  Davies  CDAVIES 650.121.2994    2013-01-29 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        3100    \N      124     50
143     Randall Matos   RMATOS  650.121.2874    2014-03-15 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        2600    \N      124     50
144     Peter   Vargas  PVARGAS 650.121.2004    2014-07-09 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        2500    \N      124     50
149     Eleni   Zlotkey EZLOTKEY        011.44.1344.429018      2016-01-29 00:00:00     SA_MAN  10500   .2      100     80
174     Ellen   Abel    EABEL   011.44.1644.429267      2012-05-11 00:00:00     SA_REP  11000   .3      149     80
176     Jonathon        Taylor  JTAYLOR 011.44.1644.429265      2014-03-24 00:00:00     SA_REP  8600    .2      149     80
178     Kimberely       Grant   KGRANT  011.44.1644.429263      2015-05-24 00:00:00     SA_REP  7000    .15     149     \N
200     Jennifer        Whalen  JWHALEN 515.123.4444    2011-09-17 00:00:00     AD_ASST 4400    \N      101     10
201     Michael Hartstein       MHARTSTE        515.123.5555    2012-02-17 00:00:00     MK_MAN  13000   \N      100     20
202     Pat     Fay     PFAY    603.123.6666    2013-08-17 00:00:00     MK_REP  6000    \N      201     20
205     Shelley Higgins SHIGGINS        515.123.8080    2010-06-07 00:00:00     AC_MGR  12008   \N      101     110
206     William Gietz   WGIETZ  515.123.8181    2010-06-07 00:00:00     AC_ACCOUNT      8300    \N      205     110

COPY flights (source,destin,flight_time) FROM STDIN;
San Jose        Los Angles      1.3
New York        Boston  1.1
Los Angles      New York        5.8

COPY jobs (job_id,job_title,min_salary,max_salary) FROM STDIN;
AD_PRES President       20080   40000
AD_VP   Administration Vice President   15000   30000
AD_ASST Administration Assistant        3000    6000
FI_MGR  Finance Manager 8200    16000
FI_ACCOUNT      Accountant      4200    9000
AC_MGR  Accounting Manager      8200    16000
AC_ACCOUNT      Public Accountant       4200    9000
SA_MAN  Sales Manager   10000   20080
SA_REP  Sales Representative    6000    12008
PU_MAN  Purchasing Manager      8000    15000
PU_CLERK        Purchasing Clerk        2500    5500
ST_MAN  Stock Manager   5500    8500
ST_CLERK        Stock Clerk     2008    5000
SH_CLERK        Shipping Clerk  2500    5500
IT_PROG Programmer      4000    10000
MK_MAN  Marketing Manager       9000    15000
MK_REP  Marketing Representative        4000    9000
HR_REP  Human Resources Representative  4000    9000
PR_REP  Public Relations Representative 4500    10500

COPY job_grades (grade_level,lowest_sal,highest_sal) FROM STDIN;
A       1000    2999
B       3000    5999
C       6000    9999
D       10000   14999
E       15000   24999
F       25000   40000

COPY job_history (employee_id,start_date,end_date,job_id,department_id) FROM STDIN;
102     2001-01-13 00:00:00     2006-07-24 00:00:00     IT_PROG 60
101     1997-09-21 00:00:00     2001-10-27 00:00:00     AC_ACCOUNT      110
101     2001-10-28 00:00:00     2005-03-15 00:00:00     AC_MGR  110
201     2004-02-17 00:00:00     2007-12-19 00:00:00     MK_REP  20
114     2006-03-24 00:00:00     2007-12-31 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        50
122     2007-01-01 00:00:00     2007-12-31 00:00:00     ST_CLERK        50
200     1995-09-17 00:00:00     2001-06-17 00:00:00     AD_ASST 90
176     2006-03-24 00:00:00     2006-12-31 00:00:00     SA_REP  80
176     2007-01-01 00:00:00     2007-12-31 00:00:00     SA_MAN  80
200     2002-07-01 00:00:00     2006-12-31 00:00:00     AC_ACCOUNT      90

COPY locations (location_id,street_address,postal_code,city,state_province,country_id) FROM STDIN;
1000    1297 Via Cola di Rie    00989   Roma    \N      IT
1100    93091 Calle della Testa 10934   Venice  \N      IT
1200    2017 Shinjuku-ku        1689    Tokyo   Tokyo Prefecture        JP
1300    9450 Kamiya-cho 6823    Hiroshima       \N      JP
1400    2014 Jabberwocky Rd     26192   Southlake       Texas   US
1500    2011 Interiors Blvd     99236   South San Francisco     California      US
1600    2007 Zagora St  50090   South Brunswick New Jersey      US
1700    2004 Charade Rd 98199   Seattle Washington      US
1800    147 Spadina Ave M5V 2L7 Toronto Ontario CA
1900    6092 Boxwood St YSW 9T2 Whitehorse      Yukon   CA
2000    40-5-12 Laogianggen     190518  Beijing \N      CN
2100    1298 Vileparle (E)      490231  Bombay  Maharashtra     IN
2200    12-98 Victoria Street   2901    Sydney  New South Wales AU
2300    198 Clementi North      540198  Singapore       \N      SG
2400    8204 Arthur St  \N      London  \N      UK
2500    Magdalen Centre, The Oxford Science Park        OX9 9ZB Oxford  Oxford  UK
2600    9702 Chester Road       09629850293     Stretford       Manchester      UK
2700    Schwanthalerstr. 7031   80925   Munich  Bavaria DE
2800    Rua Frei Caneca 1360    01307-002       Sao Paulo       Sao Paulo       BR
2900    20 Rue des Corps-Saints 1730    Geneva  Geneve  CH
3000    Murtenstrasse 921       3095    Bern    BE      CH
3100    Pieter Breughelstraat 837       3029SK  Utrecht Utrecht NL
3200    Mariano Escobedo 9991   11932   Mexico City     Distrito Federal,       MX

COPY regions (region_id,region_name) FROM STDIN;
1       Europe
2       Americas
3       Asia
4       Middle East and Africa

COPY retired_employees (employee_id,first_name,last_name,email,retired_date,job_id,salary,manager_id,department_id) FROM STDIN;
301     Rick    Dayle   RDAYLE  2010-03-18 00:00:00     AD_PRES 8000    124     90
302     Meena   Rac     MRAC    2011-09-21 00:00:00     AD_VP   11000   149     90
303     Mex     Haan    MHAAN   2010-01-13 00:00:00     AD_VP   9500    149     80
304     Alexandera      Runold  ARUNOLD 2011-01-03 00:00:00     IT_PROG 7500    124     60
305     Bruk    Ernst   BERNST  2010-05-21 00:00:00     IT_PROG 6000    149     60
306     Dravid  Aust    DAUST   2009-06-25 00:00:00     IT_PROG 4800    124     60
307     Raj     Patil   RPATIL  2012-02-05 00:00:00     IT_PROG 4800    201     60
308     Rahul   Bose    RBOSE   2012-08-17 00:00:00     FI_MGR  12008   124     100
309     Dany    Fav     DFAV    2011-08-16 00:00:00     FI_ACCOUNT      9000    101     100
310     James   Ken     JKHEN   2010-09-28 00:00:00     FI_ACCOUNT      8200    101     90
311     Shana   Garg    SGARG   2010-09-30 00:00:00     FI_ACCOUNT      7700    201     100
312     Supriya Ananth  SANANTH 2014-06-07 00:00:00     FI_ACCOUNT      7800    124     100
313     Lui     Pops    LPOPS   2010-12-07 00:00:00     FI_ACCOUNT      6900    201     100
314     Del     Raph    DRAPH   2012-12-07 00:00:00     PU_MAN  11000   101     30
315     Alex    Khurl   AKHURL  2011-05-18 00:00:00     PU_CLERK        3100    149     30


[root@pgserver sztech]#

2.1.3 导入到pg

su - postgres
$ psql postgres postgres -f hr_table.sql

$ psql postgres postgres -f hr_data.sql

2.2 迁移视图

2.3 迁移存储过程
2.3.1 oracle建立测试存储过程


2.4 迁移成本评估
#  ora2pg -b /opt/tmp/sztech -d -c ora2pg_oracle.conf -t show_report --estimate_cost --dump_as_html  >>debug-info.html

Ora2Pg - Database Migration Report
Version        Oracle Database 19c Enterprise Edition Release
Schema        HR
Size        1.75 MB
Object        Number        Invalid        Estimated cost        Comments        Details
DATABASE LINK        0        0        0.00        Database links will be exported as SQL/MED PostgreSQL's Foreign Data Wrapper (FDW) extensions using oracle_fdw.       
GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE        0        0        0.00        Global temporary table are not supported by PostgreSQL and will not be exported. You will have to rewrite some application code to match the PostgreSQL temporary table behavior.       
INDEX        19        0        3.80        19 index(es) are concerned by the export, others are automatically generated and will do so on PostgreSQL. Bitmap will be exported as btree_gin index(es). Domain index are exported as b-tree but commented to be edited to mainly use FTS. Cluster, bitmap join and IOT indexes will not be exported at all. Reverse indexes are not exported too, you may use a trigram-based index (see pg_trgm) or a reverse() function based index and search. Use 'varchar_pattern_ops', 'text_pattern_ops' or 'bpchar_pattern_ops' operators in your indexes to improve search with the LIKE operator respectively into varchar, text or char columns.       
See details
JOB        0        0        0.00        Job are not exported. You may set external cron job with them.       
PROCEDURE        2        0        8.00        Total size of procedure code: 772 bytes.       
See details
SEQUENCE        3        0        1.00        Sequences are fully supported, but all call to sequence_name.NEXTVAL or sequence_name.CURRVAL will be transformed into NEXTVAL('sequence_name') or CURRVAL('sequence_name').       
SYNONYM        0        0        0.00        SYNONYMs will be exported as views. SYNONYMs do not exists with PostgreSQL but a common workaround is to use views or set the PostgreSQL search_path in your session to access object outside the current schema.       
TABLE        10        0        2.50        15 check constraint(s).       
See details
TRIGGER        2        0        5.00        Total size of trigger code: 127 bytes.       
See details
Total        36        0        20.30        20.30 cost migration units means approximatively 1 man-day(s). The migration unit was set to 5 minute(s)
Migration level: A-3
Migration levels:
A - Migration that might be run automatically
B - Migration with code rewrite and a human-days cost up to 5 days
C - Migration with code rewrite and a human-days cost above 5 days
Technical levels:
1 = trivial: no stored functions and no triggers
2 = easy: no stored functions but with triggers, no manual rewriting
3 = simple: stored functions and/or triggers, no manual rewriting
4 = manual: no stored functions but with triggers or views with code rewriting
5 = difficult: stored functions and/or triggers with code rewriting
Details of cost assessment per function

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GMT+8, 2024-10-18 13:09 , Processed in 0.102580 second(s), 19 queries .


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