2022-12-15 10:30:28 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table BONUS. Allviable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guarantee uniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used to define the key.
Loggingof supplemental redo data enabled for table SCOTT.BONUS.
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is already enabled for table SCOTT.DEPT.
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is already enabled for table SCOTT.EMP.
2022-12-15 10:30:28 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table SALGRADE.All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guaranteeuniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used todefine the key.
Loggingof supplemental redo data enabled for table SCOTT.SALGRADE.
2022-12-15 10:30:28 WARNING OGG-00869 No unique key is defined for table TESTDDL.All viable columns will be used to represent the key, but may not guaranteeuniqueness. KEYCOLS may be used todefine the key.
Loggingof supplemental redo data enabled for table SCOTT.TESTDDL.
b、addschematrandata scott在oracle执行会报错“OGG-01778,FeatureADD/INFO/DELETE SCHEMATRANDATA unsupported on the current database version.Upgrade database version to Oracle 11g or higher”.以上采用的addtrandata scott.*的语句.
add schematrandatascott --scott用户
addtrandata scott.* --scott用户下的所有表
GGSCI(leo-10g-ogg) 6> info trandata scott.dept
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is enabled for table SCOTT.DEPT
GGSCI(leo-10g-ogg) 7> info trandata scott.emp
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is enabled for table SCOTT.EMP
GGSCI(leo-10g-ogg) 8> info trandata scott.bonus
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is enabled for table SCOTT.BONUS
GGSCI(leo-10g-ogg) 9> info trandata scott.salgrade
Loggingof supplemental redo log data is enabled for table SCOTT.SALGRADE