ORA-38305: 对象不在回收站中 查看回收站参数是开启的,SQL> SHOW RECYCLEBIN; 也看不到删除的表 如果不指定创建表的表空间,那么它会使用默认的表空间SYSTEM,可以通过SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME='TEST'查看。多次测试,结果都是如此,在表空间SYSTEM下是无法使用FLASHBACK TABLE特性的, You cannot 'flashback table to before drop' a table which has been created in the SYSTEM tablespace. The table is sent to the recyclebin only if it existed in some other tablespace other than SYSTEM tablespace and that tablespace must be locally managed.ORACLE限制了在表空间SYSTEM下使用回收站机制,