RHEL10 现在还是BETA版本,根据红帽产品发布规律,未来在2025年5月份发布,PG17已经正式发布,而且已经到17.2版本,一直说安装来尝试一下,今天正好试一下,一直习惯了源码安装,本次也不例外。 具体步骤如下:
一、安装前准备1.1 关闭防火墙systemctl disablefirewalld 1.2关闭seliuxrhel9以上版本关闭SELINUX和9以前版本有点区别。使用以下命令即可 # grubby --update-kernel ALL --args selinux=0 # reboot 说明: selinux 必须关闭,否则,使用systemd启动,会报: dbserver (pg_ctl)[2994]:pg17.service: Unable to locate executable 'bin/pg_ctl': Permission denied
1.3 关闭透明大页# grubby --update-kernel ALL --argstransparent_hugepage=never 重启生效
1.4安装必要的包这里需要的包: make gcc tar readline and readline-devel zlib zlib-devel ICU libicu-devel
安装命令 yum -y install makegcc tar readline readline-devel zlib zlib-devel icu libicu-devel
1.5安装可选的包Perl Python Tcl Gettext OpenSSL MIT, OpenLDAP, and/or PAM LZ4 ,用于TOTAST,WAL压缩 Zstandard 1.4.0,用于 wal压缩 Flex and Bison 用于git
安装命令 yum -y install perlpython tcl gettext openssl mit openldap pam lz4 zstandard flex bison
1.6安装支持中文的包yum install glibc-common langpacks-zh_CN glibc-langpack-zhglibc-locale-source
1.7建立目录习惯了ORACLE的方式,按该习惯命名目录 # mkdir /u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1 -p # mkdir /u01/app/postgres/pgdata -p # mkdir /u01/setup/source -p 1.8创建用户groupadd postgres useradd -g postgres postgres echo "postgres" | passwd --stdin postgres RHEL10 安全性要求比较高,对用户密码有长度,复杂度要求,如果你想回到RHEL9以前模式,可以修改 /etc/pam.d/system-auth ,在pam_pwquality.so 后面加上以前的要求即可,具体见下图。
1.9授权chown -R postgres:postgres /u01/app/postgres chmod -R 775 /u01/app/postgres
chown -R postgres:postgres /u01/setup/source 二、安装PG2.1.下载安装文件到 /u01/setup/source# cd /u01/setup/source 2.2.解压su – postgres tar xvf postgresql-17.2.tar.gz 2.3.Configurecd /u01/setup/source/postgresql-17.2
./configure --prefix=/u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1
2.4.编译make world -j 16 (含所有功能及文档) 2.5.安装 make install-world -j 162.6.配置环境变量cat >> ~/.bash_profile<<"EOF" export PGPORT=2025 --马上到2025,提前迎接一下 export PGDATA=/u01/app/postgres/pgdata export PGHOME=/u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$PGHOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH export PATH=$PGHOME/bin:$PATH:. export PGHOST=$PGDATA export PGUSER=postgres export PGDATABASE=postgres export PGCLIENTENCODING=GBK EOF
2.7.创建数据库集群# su - postgres $ source.bash_profile $ initdb -D /u01/app/postgres/pgdata-E UTF8 --locale=zh_CN.UTF8 -U postgres
2.8.修改数据库参数cat >> $PGDATA/postgresql.conf<< "EOF" listen_addresses = '*' port=2025 unix_socket_directories='/u01/app/postgres/pgdata' logging_collector = on log_directory = 'pg_log' log_filename = 'postgresql-%a.log' log_truncate_on_rotation = on max_connections = 500 shared_buffers = 2GB EOF
cat >> $PGDATA/pg_hba.conf<< "EOF" # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host all all md5 EOF 2.9启停PGsu - postgres pg_ctl start pg_ctl status pg_ctl stop 2.10验证
三、完善PG相关3.1.配置PG自动启动服务cat > /etc/systemd/system/pg17.service<<"EOF" [Unit] Description=PostgreSQL database server Documentation=man:postgres(1) After=network.target
[Service] Type=forking User=postgres Group=postgres Environment=PGPORT=2025 Environment=PGDATA=/u01/app/postgres/pgdata OOMScoreAdjust=-1000 ExecStart=/u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1/bin/pg_ctlstart -D ${PGDATA} -s -o "-p ${PGPORT}" -w -t 300 ExecStop=/u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1/bin/pg_ctlstop -D ${PGDATA} -s -m fast ExecReload=/u01/app/postgres/product/17.2/dbhome_1/bin/pg_ctlreload -D ${PGDATA} -s KillMode=mixed KillSignal=SIGINT TimeoutSec=0
[Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF
--配置生效 # systemctldaemon-reload
# systemctl enable pg17
# systemctl start pg17
# systemctl status pg17
3.2.设置内核参数cat > /etc/sysctl.conf <<EOF vm.swappiness=10 --交换内存使用设置 vm.zone_reclaim_mode=0 fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576 fs.file-max = 6815744 net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500 net.core.rmem_default = 262144 net.core.rmem_max = 4194304 net.core.wmem_default = 262144 net.core.wmem_max = 1048586 kernel.shmmax = 8589934592 kernel.shmall = 2097152 kernel.shmmni = 4096 kernel.sem = 250 32000 250 128 EOF 3.3.设置资源限制cat >>/etc/security/limits.conf <<"EOF" * soft nofile 131072 * hard nofile 131072 * soft nproc 131072 * hard nproc 131072 * soft core unlimited * hard core unlimited * soft memlock unlimited * hard memlock unlimited EOF 到此,数据库安装完成.