标题: ORA-16626: failed to enable specified database [打印本页] 作者: admin 时间: 2016-8-29 10:42 标题: ORA-16626: failed to enable specified database ORA-16626: failed toenable specified database Cause: This status was returned when attempting to enable astandby database
- Could not locate itself in the broker configuration file.
- Failed to distinguish itself from two or more databases in the configurationfile.
- Determined it missed a role change within the configuration. Action: Tocorrect the problem, try one of these actions:
- Confirm that the host and SID names for the database exactly match the valuesin
- Confirm that there are not two or more databases with the same connect
identifier. That is, multiple databases in the broker configuration should notreach
the same database.
- If a failover had been performed and the old primary database has been
re-created (or a standby database has been re-created), make sure the DataGuard
broker configuration files have been removed for that database. Do NOT remove
the configuration files that are in use by the new primary database. ORA-16627: operation disallowed since no standbydatabases would remain to support protection mode Cause: This status was returned because of one of thefollowing:
- The broker rejected an attempt to change the overall configuration protection
mode since it could not find any enabled standby databases that supported the
proposed protection mode.
ORA-12700to ORA-19400 13-217
- The broker rejected an attempt to enable theconfiguration if it determined that
there were no enabled standby databases that supported the overall protection
- The broker rejected an attempt to disable or remove a database that, ifdisabled or
deleted, would result in no remaining standby databases that could support the
overall configuration protection mode.
- The broker rejected an attempt to switchover if doing so would violate the
overall configuration protection mode.
- Performing automatic health check if the broker determined that no standby
datbases supported the overall protection mode. Action: -If changing the overall protection mode, confirm that at least one
standby database satisfies the new protection mode.
- For enable failures, confirm that at least one standby database has aLogXptMode
configurable property setting that supports the current overall protectionmode.
- For delete and disable failures, confirm that at least one other standbydatabase
has a LogXptMode configurable property setting that supports the overall
protection mode.
- For switchover failures that occur when the configuration is operating in
maximum protection or maximum availability mode, confirm that at least one
other standby database has its LogXptMode configurable property set to thevalue
"SYNC". If the configuration contains a primary database and a singlestandby
database and is operating in either maximum protection or maximum availability
mode, ensure that the LogXptMode configurable property of the primary database
is set to the value "SYNC". Since the old primary database willbecome the standby
database after switchover completes, its LogXptMode configurable property
setting must support the configuration protection mode.
- For health check error, confirm that at least one standby database has a
LogXptMode configurable property setting that supports the current overall
protection mode.