
标题: Windows应用补丁失败提示CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables [打印本页]

作者: 刘泽宇    时间: 5 天前
标题: Windows应用补丁失败提示CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables
While trying to apply DB patch using OPatch in windows environment, it  fails with the following error:
Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed

Example of this issue:
Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...
Prerequisite check "CheckActiveFilesAndExecutables" failed.
The details are:

Following active files are used by opatch process :

In windows environment, apply DB patch with opatch apply.

Some windows process is possibly holding the related dll files.

1)You can use the command : “tasklist /m <DLL_Name>” to find which process is holding the related dll files.

For Example:
C:\>tasklist /m msvcr100.dll

Once you know which process is holding the related dll files, you can stop the process and apply the patch again.


Download  the utility Process Explorer from :https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us ... ds/process-explorer
Install it.
Click Find Handle (ctrl-F) and entered  the mentioned dll's listed.

Stop the process  holding the related dll files and re-apply the patch.


If you cannot identify the process, you can also rename the dll files and apply the patch again.

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