
标题: Opatch Rollback Error with Code 120 [打印本页]

作者: 刘泽宇    时间: 5 天前
标题: Opatch Rollback Error with Code 120
While doing rollback of patch using OPatch rollback command, OPatch failed with error code 120

Error from logs:

SystemCall::copyFile(): copy file <ORACLE_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar to <ORACLE_HOME>/.patch_storage/25071727_Nov_20_2016_20_56_18/library_backup/wlserver/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar

SystemCall::copyFile() failed, null

OPatch will attempt to restore the system...


OPatch was able to restore your system. Look at log file and timestamp of each file to make sure your system is in the state prior to applying the patch.

Log file location: <ORACLE_HOME>/cfgtoollogs/opatch/rollbackxxxxxxxx.log

Recommended actions: Please check if you have read/write access to the Oracle Home's inventory.

OPatch failed with error code 120

Rollback was failing due to wljmsclient.jar was not present
SystemCall::copyFile(): copy file <ORACLE_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar to <path>/Middleware/soa/12.2.1/.patch_storage/25071727_Nov_20_2016_20_56_18/library_backup/wlserver/server/lib/wljmsclient.jar
SystemCall::copyFile() failed, null

The issue is caused due to the missing "wljmsclient.jar" libraries in the <ORACLE_HOME>

"wljmsclient.jar" was missing in the <ORACLE_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib

Replace the "wljmsclient.jar" to <ORACLE_HOME>/wlserver/server/lib from backup and Rerun the opatch rollabck command
Now Opatch rollback will run succesfully

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