标题: ORA-02475: maximum cluster chain block count of 65534 has been exceeded [打印本页] 作者: 郑全 时间: 6 小时前 标题: ORA-02475: maximum cluster chain block count of 65534 has been exceeded 数据库报警文件不停的报以下错误:
ORA-02475: maximum cluster chain block count of 65534has been exceeded
可以通过重建 smon_scn_time 来解决
shutdown immediate
startup upgrade;
rename smon_scn_time to smon_scn_time_org;
create table smon_scn_time tablespace sysaux as select * from smon_scn_time_org;
drop index smon_scn_time_tim_idx;
create unique index smon_scn_time_tim_idx on smon_scn_time(time_mp) tablespace SYSAUX;
drop index smon_scn_time_scn_idx;
create unique index smon_scn_time_scn_idx on smon_scn_time(scn) tablespace SYSAUX;