SQL> col segment_name format a30
SQL> col owner format a10
SQL> col tablespace_name format a10
SQL> col segment_type format a15
SQL> select segment_name,owner,tablespace_name,bytes/1024/1024 "SIZE(MB)",segment_type from dba_segments where tablespace_name='SYSAUX' order by bytes desc;
### Check the no.of rows in WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS for Auto Stats Advisor Task ###
SQL> select count(*) from wri$_adv_objects where task_id=(select distinct id from wri$_adv_tasks where name='AUTO_STATS_ADVISOR_TASK');
### Do CTAS from WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS to keep the rows apart from AUTO_STATS_ADVISOR_TASK ###
SQL> create table wri$_adv_objects_new as select * from wri$_adv_objects where task_id !=(select distinct id from wri$_adv_tasks where name='AUTO_STATS_ADVISOR_TASK');
SQL> select count(*) from wri$_adv_objects_new;
### Truncate the table ###
SQL> truncate table wri$_adv_objects;
### Insert the rows from backed up table WRI$_ADV_OBJECTS_NEW to restore the records of ther advisor objects ###
SQL> insert /*+ APPEND */ into wri$_adv_objects select * from wri$_adv_objects_new;
SQL> commit;
SQL> drop table wri$_adv_objects_new;
### Reorganize the indexes ###
SQL> alter index wri$_adv_objects_idx_01 rebuild;
SQL> alter index wri$_adv_objects_pk rebuild;