
标题: rman备份失败报错Rman-03002 And Ora-01455 [打印本页]

作者: 刘泽宇    时间: 2023-4-28 15:29
标题: rman备份失败报错Rman-03002 And Ora-01455
Rman backups Failing with error:

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-00569: =============== ERROR MESSAGE STACK FOLLOWS ===============
RMAN-00571: ===========================================================
RMAN-03002: failure of backup command at 04/27/2023 11:00:06
ORA-01455: converting column overflows integer datatype

- Operating system date has been  changed by mistake to future date.
- Rman backup was taken at that future  date and the operating system was brought back to Original date.

- Run the following query to find the backuppiece having completion date greater than sysdate

1. Catalog is being used Connect Connect to atalog database an run the following query:

SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MM-YYYY:HH:MI:SS';
SQL> select piece#,handle, bp_key, start_time, completion_time from rc_backup_piece where completion_time > sysdate;

2. catalog database is not used

Connect to target database and run the following query:
SQL> alter session set nls_date_format='DD-MM-YYYY:HH:MI:SS';
SQL> select piece#, handle, start_time, completion_time from v$backup_piece where completion_time > sysdate;

- The above queries will indicates the filename of the backup piece having issue

- We can explore two options to resolve the issue:

Option A

This option a is applicable to both cases if rman catalog is used or no rman catalog is used:

Rename all the backuppiece at OS level which are having backuppiece information with Completion date > sysdate

Once renamed

In Rman run the following

Rman > crosscheck backup

Rman> delete noprompt force expired backup

Option B

If catalog database is not used:

This option would be to recreate the controlfile after the Problematic backuppiece has been renamed.

Ensure you keep a Copy of the existing controlfile before recreating the controlfile.

Also do
Rman> Spool log to '/<path>/rman.log'
Rman> list backup ;

This would ensure you have the list of all the backuppiece (good and bad)

Once controlfile is recreated.

You can recatalog the good backuppiece using

Rman> Catalog startwith ''

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