
标题: sqlserver中的apexSQL audit工具简述 [打印本页]

作者: 刘泽宇    时间: 2022-12-4 11:16
标题: sqlserver中的apexSQL audit工具简述
ApexSQL审核概述 (ApexSQL Audit Overview)
SQL Server provides us with a number of features, that can be used to audit the different aspects of the SQL Server instance. Some of these features allow us to audit specific events at the database level and other methods allow us to audit events at both the SQL Server instance and the database levels. But as discussed deeply in the previous articles of this series, each one of these methods has specific limitations, that makes it harder to consider it as a complete SQL Server Audit solution.

SQL Server为我们提供了许多功能,可用于审核SQL Server实例的不同方面。 其中一些功能允许我们在数据库级别审核特定事件,而其他方法则允许我们在SQL Server实例和数据库级别审核事件。 但是,如本系列前几篇文章中深入讨论的那样,这些方法中的每一种都有特定的局限性,因此很难将其视为完整SQL Server Audit解决方案。

ApexSQL Audit is a comprehensive SQL Server Audit solution that can be used to track and log the different types of actions performed at both the SQL Server instance and the database levels, in a way that overcomes all the limitations of the other features.

ApexSQL Audit是一个全面SQL Server Audit解决方案,可用于克服SQL Server实例和数据库级别上执行的各种不同类型的操作,从而克服了其他功能的所有局限性。

ApexSQL Audit can be easily installed to your server and automatically deployed to all machines that will be audited without the need for any manual installation from the user side. After installing it, ApexSQL Audit provides us with the ability to use the existing auditing templates to make sure that all your SQL Server instances and database meet these compliance standards. You can also customize the existing templates to meet your company requirements or simply create your own template and apply it to your SQL Servers and databases with a single click.

ApexSQL Audit可以轻松安装到您的服务器,并自动部署到将要审核的所有计算机,而无需用户进行任何手动安装。 安装后,ApexSQL审核使我们能够使用现有审核模板来确保您的所有SQL Server实例和数据库均符合这些合规性标准。 您还可以自定义现有模板以满足公司的要求,或者只需创建您自己的模板,然后单击即可将其应用于SQL Server和数据库。

With a large number of customizable filters, ApexSQL Audit allows you to track only what you want to audit at the deepest possible level. You can track the actions performed by a specific SQL Server login on a specific database object from a specific host while running a specific application. Again, all these configurations can be performed in a minute, as we will see later in this article. You can track each user from the time he logged in to the SQL Server instance till he finished and logged out from the system, with the ability to audit the data changes from the insert, update and delete operations and compare the values changing.

借助大量可自定义的过滤器,ApexSQL审核允许您仅跟踪要审核的内容。 您可以在运行特定应用程序时,从特定主机跟踪特定SQL Server登录名对特定数据库对象执行的操作。 同样,所有这些配置都可以在一分钟内完成,正如我们将在本文后面看到的那样。 您可以跟踪每个用户从其登录到SQL Server实例到完成并从系统注销之前的时间,并能够审核插入,更新和删除操作中的数据更改,并比较更改的值。

In order to review the captured information, ApexSQL Audit provides you with a library of built-in reports that you can run or create your own custom reports from these existing reports, with the ability to schedule these reports based on your requirements. All these auditing and reporting operations will be performed with the minimal impact on performance on the audited SQL Server instances and on the central repository server. You can also get notified, in real time, using existing alerts or your own custom alters, when an important event occurs on the audited SQL Servers, with the ability to log these alerts to the windows event log or send it via email.

为了查看捕获的信息,ApexSQL Audit为您提供了一个内置报告库,您可以运行这些报告或从这些现有报告创建您自己的自定义报告,并能够根据您的需求计划这些报告。 所有这些审核和报告操作都将在对审核SQL Server实例和中央存储库服务器的性能影响最小的情况下进行。 当在经审核SQL Server上发生重要事件时,您还可以使用现有警报或您自己的自定义更改实时获得通知,并能够将这些警报记录到Windows事件日志或通过电子邮件发送。






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