标题: ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single [打印本页]
作者: michaeljet 时间: 2016-9-5 17:30
标题: ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLE function can only have a single
ORA-36800: (XSTBLFUNC00) The OLAP_TABLEfunction can only have a single
LOOP statement within the LIMITMAP
Cause: The OLAP table function givenused more than one LOOP statement.
Action: It is currently impossible tospecify more than one LOOP composite,
either remove one of the statements (and loop denselyover relevant dimensions),
or create a new composite that encompasses both loops andhave a single loop
statement refer to that.
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